24th August 2014

Administrator Application, ~Sadie~

Made by Scott in Applications

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
24th August 2014, 03:53 AM

Hello Moderators, Administrators, and Users,

Title- Administrator Application, ~Sadie~
Dedicated to- No one in general.
Reason for Creating this Application- I believe I am ready for the job/rank.


Hello, after awhile of thinking I finally decided to make an application for the rank of Administrator. I made an application long ago but it wasn't any good. The set up was horrible and the post was sloppy and it didn't really fit such ranking. Now I am back for another try and hopefully this application glues you to the screen. I also hope you don't see this as an average application I want it to speak to you. Thanks for clicking the title and you may now get to reading this application/discussion. Leave comment down below, thanks.

~Administrator Application!~
By, Sadie

-Here is my former experiences.-

• I Moderated OldCP during v.6.
• I remained a OldCP Moderator for many months (over a year) not including some demotions.
• I Moderated other games and Club Penguin creations.
• I take web designing & gaming classes.
• I blog everyday and enjoy typing and helping everyone in need of help.
• Moderated the DSGHQ Forums for a long time, I obtained the badge of honour and many other badges and hopefully the Administrator badge.
• Blogging,gaming,web designing is my main key point lately.
• I have experience with Administrating smaller games and I did quite well.
• Moderating OldCP & DSGHQ Forums are my main areas around here, and I have been doing it for many months/versions.

Why I Sadie Deserve the Rank
-Reasons I deserve Administrator.-

I have many reasons why I deserve the rank such as I Moderated this site more than once I am use to all commands given to me and I know how to use the respectfully and responsibly. I have learned from all my mistakes and they make me stronger as a person. I am highly active and often Moderate both sites at once (windows 8.1 two windows open at once) so I am use to protecting and keeping things ship shape and safe. I am also loyal and positive so that would be great for keeping a positive mind. I have been known for positivity and happiness and I believe I could spread it even more as an Administrator. I respect Damen, and all the users including the staff. I never judge any staff unless I am judging their specific wants and need when they need me to judge them. I remember joining around v.4-5 yet I never was noticed much during that time period and I hardly ever played. I will forever take my job into heart and mind and respect all choices and decisions made. I also promise to always follow all orders and commands, and if anyone including a staff member gets out of hand I promise to report it ASAP unless the problem can be solved manually without any backup or final judgement. That is about it I believe I would make a good Administrator.

What I Want to Administrate
-Here are the two sites I want to Administrate and why I want to.-

OldCP.biz aka http://play.clubpenguin.pro/

I want to Administrate OldCP because I know I can easily lead the site with victory and honesty. I believe I could also easily protect and serve the game as it is my own family member. I promise to not only be active and talk but I will also do what I must do in order to keep everything under control.


I would love to administrate this site because I enjoy typing,commenting, and blogging. I have been Moderator on here many times and I honestly believe change would be nice. I promise to be active and highly responsible. I love this game and to me it's not just a game it's more it's not even just a forum it's family and home, and I would be thrilled to protect the site even more.

What I Will Do As Administrator

I will serve all the sites evenly. I promise to always remain active and happy so users feel welcomed to be here. I promise to welcome all new comers and give them a specific idea of what this community is about in general. I also promise I will forever be respectful to everyone and handle all jobs well. I will serve to protect and keep all safe from harm. I will lead this site to victory and forever honour the success of everyone among the site. I will come on everyday with a smile and see my job as a gaol other than just a rank. I will take everything into heart and I promise to serve for the rest of my given days.

Final Words

Thanks for reading this application. I will probably edit this throughout he given day. I truly love you guys and it would be an honour to Administrate such an amazing site. Damen you've done extremely well on make this community so nice work. I thank you for giving me Moderator and so much more. Without you I'd be nothing, I wouldn't of taken any classes. So I honestly respect and thank you Damen. I promise to always serve this game at any rank such as; Guest,Rookie,Member,Master,Moderator, or even possibly Administrator. Thanks for all the good times Damen, and guys thanks for supporting me I wouldn't of made this application without any of you. I truly love you all, and may the best be with you and let the future be bright and clear. Thanks so much you guys. Remember to stay positive and happy and soon enough greatness will come your given way. :)


+1 by Cheep, Izzy, valentina, Ras and 19 others
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Seen 3rd November 2019
24th August 2014, 03:54 AM

Yes, this is WAY over due. Sadie4Admin! I also will be posting one soon, but it is nothing compared to this.

+1 by Scott, valentina, Annie, Sam and 3 others
Lady Cheep Glitz of the Royal Imperial Bank
Lady of the Bank - Detective - Forums Moderator - OldCP Moderator - Lady of the Empire



1,952 posts
Seen 6th January 2023
24th August 2014, 04:03 AM

Wow! Sadie...YOUR SO READY FOR ADMIN! I was about to make a channel for you to become a admin but my sister keeps taking it, but anyway THIS APPLICATION IS AMAZING! #Sadie4admin ;)

I hopeeeee you get rank admin! ;)

+1.5 billion likes!


+1 by Scott and Cheep

691 posts
Seen 7th May 2015
24th August 2014, 04:04 AM

Great Administrator Application, Sadie! SADIE4ADMIN +1

+1 by Scott, Cheep, valentina and Annie
Loading Swag.. 0% ██████] 100%

GIFs/Signatures Credited to Polarmanax

2,119 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th August 2014, 04:07 AM

Good application, I'll be terrible for the job SADIE4ADMIN

+1 by Scott, Cheep, valentina and Annie
learn from me

649 posts
Seen 20th February 2016
24th August 2014, 04:10 AM

I Don't Like It, I LOVE It You Put Much Work In This Discussions All Of Your Discussions Are Hard Work Why Aren't You An Administrator Already? 1+

+1 by Scott, Cheep, valentina and Annie

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
24th August 2014, 04:13 AM

Good application, I'll be terrible for the job SADIE4ADMIN
I bet you would do fantastic if you believe you could.
I Don't Like It, I LOVE It You Put Much Work In This Discussions All Of Your Discussions Are Hard Work Why Aren't You An Administrator Already? 1+
Well, it takes hard work and determination. I also must be seen, and honestly perhaps Damen hadn't seen enough detail to make me Admin but hopefully this application allows him to see me perspective and honest though.

+1 by Cheep and valentina
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

63 posts
Seen 2nd January 2015
24th August 2014, 05:21 AM

Its awesome. You really should deserve Administrator. Sadie4Admin

+1 by Cheep and Scott
Don't be a hater!
Always believe in yourself!
Don't be a bully!
Be weird!
Always be yourself!
Never try to impress someone!
Don't let people boss you around!
If people don't like you ignore them if they bully you!
Try your hardest to be your best!

1,314 posts
Seen 26th October 2015
24th August 2014, 05:57 AM

I am surprised you haven't got Admin yet! You should have got it a long time ago because you will fit the job ;)

+1 by Cheep and Scott

32 posts
Seen 28th February 2015
24th August 2014, 06:39 AM

Its AMAZING. I love it! #sadie4admin

+1 by Cheep and Scott

happy halloween <3 :)
412 posts
Seen 6th February 2016
24th August 2014, 07:30 AM

Amazinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg,I Cant make Anything Like This :P +1.8 Billion Likes :)

+1 by Cheep and Scott

Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
24th August 2014, 07:58 AM

Sadie I believe you can't apply for administrator. But this whole app takes my mind away about your creation. Anyways SADIE4ADMIN

+1 by Cheep and Scott

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th August 2014, 01:49 PM

You do deserve Admin A LOT, Sadie, and you have made numerous applications in the past, but this proves that you are worthy and ready for the high responsibility since you have been mod before for a long time and are mod on both Old CP and forum once again. Spectacular application, Sadie. Sadie4Admin!!! ;) +1

+1 by Cheep and Scott

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
24th August 2014, 04:17 PM

Thanks for all the kind words guys they mean so much to me. You can apply for Administrator but it takes risks. Thanks once again everyone!

+1 by Cheep and Bailey
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,070 posts
Seen 18th December 2018
24th August 2014, 04:25 PM

Sadie, this is probably the best application I've ever seen. This is completely amazing. You deserve admin so much. You do so much for the community, and you need to be ranked up. 1+ for sure!!


+1 by Cheep and Scott

let the melody save me astoria

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