24th August 2014

Application- Moderator

Made by ChocoCupcake in Applications

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:07 PM

Hey guys! My name is Corinne. I'm 13 years old, and my birthday is on April 13, 1999. I've been on OldCP for 5 months and forums for 3. I'm active most of the day and I feel like I could become a great moderator!
Why Do I Want To Be A Moderatoer
I want to become a mod because I love helping people! A lot of people have a problems at one point or another. I can react very quickly and help that person. In a minute or 2 the problem is solved. And I know that lately there was a lot of bullying. I would like to END that bullying. I can help a person through their hardest and toughest situations. When your comrades are in need, you lend a helping hand. I could help a person feel comfortable around other penguins. I know that for a fact, that EVERYONE in OldCP wants to feel secure and safe in OldCP. :D
Past Experience
I have never been a mod on OldCP, but I have been in cpps.me. Some actually say that I was the best mod there! I went around checking if everything was OK. I did such a good job, that there wasn't a problem in 2 days! It was a huge achievement. I want to do the same thing for OldCP. Only, I want to make sure that there's not a problem EVER AGAIN! And I feel deep down inside, that I can make that dream a reality. :D
The Rules
I have never broken a rule, in OldCP or Forums. I was never mean, a bully, a threatener, a hacker, and I was never racist etc. I never cussed either. But I know that some people are mean. Those bullies can make a person feel uncomfortable and scared. When a person feels those terrifying feelings, I can jump RIGHT into action. I can make that person feel comfortable and safe. After I do that, I would talk to the bully, then give him a warning. If he continues to bully, I'll give him a kick. I f he continues, I'll ban him. If he continues more, I'll throw him in jail. BUT IF HE STILL CONTINUES, I will IPban him. Hopefully that doesn't happen. If I do become a miderator, I would never abuse power. I would only use my power to protect OldCP. :D
What's My Favorite Thing About OldCP?
I love how everyone tries to help each other, even when they're moderator. Anyone can do anything in order to help someone. :D

I know that being a moderator is a HUGE responsibility, but thanks to Damen, thanks to my friends, thanks to the moderators, not only the good but the bad, and of course you guys who are reading this application, I feel like I could become a moderator. Thanks for reading my application. :D


+1 by Bailey

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:09 PM


+1 by Bailey

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th August 2014, 07:10 PM

Acceptable application, Corinne. Enjoyed reading it. :)

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:13 PM

Thanks Bailey!!! I appreciate it. :D

+1 by Bailey

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:17 PM


The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
24th August 2014, 07:19 PM

If you were really a cpps.me moderator, that means you already have good experience. Why were you demoted in cpps.me?

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:27 PM

I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT SOMEONE HACKED ME (im not yelling btw) :'( I heard that the hacker was bullying everyone. Then I got demoted. :'(

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
24th August 2014, 07:33 PM

I was so sad when I found out but luckily everyone knew it was a hacker and I wasn't guilty of anything.

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
25th August 2014, 11:07 AM

So everything turned out OK which is good.


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