28th August 2014

Healer Application - Rawr

Made by Rawr in Applications

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
28th August 2014, 05:51 PM

Hey all!

I'm Rawr, which you probably know. You may have noticed I have been inactive lately, right? We'll I'm back. Anyways, I haven't made an application for something in forever, and so I thought serving OldCP would be a good deed. This application may not be as informative as my Forum Moderator one, but let's hope I earn the success I wish to earn, huh?! :) let's begin!

Why I want to become a healer:

I believe becoming a OldCP healer will give me an opportunity to prove my skills and will permit me to take steps into reaching the Moderator rank, which we all want. I have allot of experience in moderating as many of you know, and so I think I'll be good for the Healer job. Besides, I wish to help the Fellow Healers as they heal the dead/injured.

What is your ranking idea?

As a matter of fact, I want to keep my moderator rank and keep this forum safe, although, I want OldCP healer at the same time. I want to do a change to the community. Yes, it seems hard having two jobs, but I'm sure I could handle it, ya think?

Will you abuse your powers?

Heck no. Power abuse is bad, and I mean, very, bad. Have you ever seen me abuse powers? I don't think you did. Power abuse is not my thing, and never will it be. :P

Do you want this for the power?

No, once again. I do. To want it for the power, I want it to serve OldCP and it's users. I want to be ble to help and not ruin the community. The emperor and it's members mean allot to me.


Thank youuuuu for reading! I hope you enjoyed this!

what in the godamn
833 posts
Seen 21st March 2023
28th August 2014, 05:54 PM

I like it! Good luck! (This may be week, but it is True!)

Keep healing,

Hi I'm Maybe. I swim a lot. Then I eat a lot. then I sleep. then repeat.

Picture time :D!


http://prntscr.com/4hy23o [url=ht[im

Thank you so much Macyyy!

Thank ye Macyy!! Again! XD

I love swimming

Thank you,

Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
28th August 2014, 05:58 PM

Great application, Rawr. Good luck on the job to you, there could be a few more healers. We could also use more Wise Ones. +1 by me, great application.


1,546 posts
Seen 31st May 2020
28th August 2014, 06:10 PM

Great application Rawr, you truly deserve to be a banker :)-Freddo Ze Knight

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