30th August 2014
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Moderator Application

Made by ChocoCupcake in Applications

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
30th August 2014, 05:15 PM

Hey guys! It's Choco here. My birthday is April 12, 2001, so I'm 13 years old. After being active so much and helping out a lot of people, I decided that I could become a great moderator. :D

Why Do I Want To Be a Moderator
As I said before, I love helping people! Through the hardest and toughest situations. And recently, there's been some cussing and bullying. It's the worst thing anyone can do. It can make a person feel uncomfortable, scared, or even unsafe. So I would put an end to that. No one deserves to get hurt. But if someone does feel bad about something and come tell me, I can react quickly. I can make the person who was bullied feel better, and the bully thinking that he shouldn't do whatever he did ever again. And if someone just wants to ask me for advice on anything, I can tell them good advice so they can succeed in the future. That person could even become a mod just because of that one, little piece of advice! :)

The Rules
OldCP has many rules. Most people choose to follow them and some don't. And at one point or the other, you will break a rule. Which is OK. Nobody expects you to be perfect. And that rule that you broke can be a lesson in the future. But some people like to take a step even further. That's when it gets out of hand. However, I have never broken a rule. Maybe I have broken a teeny rule that I don't remember, but I'm not perfect :) I have never cussed, bullied, threatened, or made anyone uncomfortable in any way. And if I do become moderator, I would never abuse power. That's why I have a lot of friends. All of my friends who know me, trust me, because I try to help them and always follow the rules. In addition to that, I would like to make everyone else to follow the rules, so everyone in OldCP can be happy playing the great game! It can only become greater, if everyone thinks of the rules and follows them. :D

Past Experience
I have never been a moderator or anything here, but I have been on cpps.me. I also found the red dots at /jr monster. And helped the detectives with the fake bomb at the Pet Shop. My friends on cpps.me said I was one of the best mods there. One time I did so well, there wasn't a problem in 2 days! It was a great achievement. It would be even better if that happened on OldCP but instead, not a problem forever! I make sure everyone follows the rules, and stand up for those being bullied. And I love doing it! :D

My Favorite Thing About OldCP
I love how everyone is like an online family. Trying to help each other. Maybe a few fights once in a while but, still working together as a community. Even when they're not mod! :D

I know that being a moderator is a HUGE job. But thanks to my friends, thanks to Damen and the already mods, not only the good but the bad. I feel like I can do it. :) Thanks for reading my moderator application :D

+1 by StarWind

557 posts
Seen 3rd February 2016
30th August 2014, 06:20 PM

Great application! But the only thing I fear is that you are clearly lying about your age. It is 2014. If you were born in 1999 you would be 15 not 13. Anyways great app!

34 posts
Seen 13th September 2014
30th August 2014, 06:27 PM

That was the best application I have ever heard but your 13 not 15

You did fantasticly awesome!


Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
31st August 2014, 06:09 AM

OMG. THANK YOU GUYS! My sis bday was yesterday and she was born 1999 so I had that number in my head. Really its 2001. But thank u guys!

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