31st August 2014
1 view

Something to think about

Made by Jacobg627 in Wisdom

Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
31st August 2014, 10:47 AM

Hello, users of DSGHQ. This is a post for your benefit. It's happened too often over the past year.

Drama. Selfishness. Bullying. Anger.

Let's start with Drama, shall we?

Drama is a big problem on DSGHQ. I know I've made a post on this in the past, but it is continuing. But instead of a few users making a lot of drama. It's many users each making little drama. Drama isn't fun to deal with. If you don't get your way, don't throw a fit. Let me tell all of you something my grandmother told me.
The flower who follows the sun does so even on rainy days.

What does that mean? Persevere. Never give up. Finish what you start, don't start a fight if you don't get your way. So, how can we end drama? I cannot tell you. I have no control over that. It is in your hands. We, the members of DSGHQ can end drama. But why is drama caused? That brings us to our second topic.
Subject 2: Selfishness / Attention

I know, I know. You're reading this and saying
"That's not the ONLY way drama is caused!"
You're right. But it's one of the ways. People do things for attention. Oftentimes it happens when someone doesn't get their way. They start acting. This goes out to half the posts about quitting. They always come back. The true ones who quit never come back. They have a strong reason, like their parents don't let them use a computer anymore. Not that they didn't get their way. I hate to make a topic like this one, it makes me feel guilty. I'm not going to get to specific on who did it. That's all I need to say on that topic, moving on to topic 3.
Subject 3: Bullying

Oh, boy. Here we go with another issue. I did make a discussion on this one in the past, too. Cyberbullying is not going to make you popular online. Here, it's not funny. Going on oldcp and causing a huge arguement isn't tolerated. It only causes more drama. To cyberbullies:
What you're doing is wrong, you know it's wrong, so why are you doing it anyway?
Once again, I can't stop cyberbullies alone. I need support and help from you guys! We, the community, (again) have the power to end drama!
Subject 4: Anger

In real life, I hate it when I don't get something I want. We all do. But ranting about not getting it isn't the way to go. Same thing with the internet. The internet isn't an excuse to do things you wouldn't do normally. So don't cuss if you wouldn't in real life. Don't bully if you wouldn't in real life. Treat others the way you want to be treated. That's all I have for now, folks. Please leave a like, if you don't, no hard feelings.

+1 by Freddy, Damen, MrSam, Billy and 4 others

The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
31st August 2014, 11:42 AM

Very good post. Thou is very wise.

52 posts
Seen 1st November 2014
31st August 2014, 12:47 PM

Amazing Post Jacob !

Im Proud!

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