3rd September 2014, 06:48 PM
Me again, Rawr. In this very post, I'm applying for the rank Master. I would just like to inform you the mistake Iv done is not happening again. Anywho, please read the whole thing before clicks like or dislike. So, let's begin!
First off, my experience:
I am a current Former Moderator of the forum and I am trusted. I have been master previously aswell. Iv been here quite some time. I have been mod on many chat boxes a d such, and so that boosts my chances. I also moderator 2 CPPS's, one of them shut down due to it being hacked. technically/basically I have experience and should be considered trust worthy for a rank that dosent have any power.
The reasons:
- I want to start fresh again
- I'm trusted
- I reach the requirements, of course
- I don't cry over demotion.
- I love this community.
I know this is short. I suck on applications ATM.
Me again, Rawr. In this very post, I'm applying for the rank Master. I would just like to inform you the mistake Iv done is not happening again. Anywho, please read the whole thing before clicks like or dislike. So, let's begin!
First off, my experience:
I am a current Former Moderator of the forum and I am trusted. I have been master previously aswell. Iv been here quite some time. I have been mod on many chat boxes a d such, and so that boosts my chances. I also moderator 2 CPPS's, one of them shut down due to it being hacked. technically/basically I have experience and should be considered trust worthy for a rank that dosent have any power.
The reasons:
- I want to start fresh again
- I'm trusted
- I reach the requirements, of course
- I don't cry over demotion.
- I love this community.
I know this is short. I suck on applications ATM.
Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
3rd September 2014, 07:27 PM
Great post and even better application. I think this could have came a little later, but I agree with you. It's always good to start fresh. +1 for a great application. If you ask my honest opinion, I'd say you are trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes, after all.