2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
7th September 2014, 03:32 PM
Forum Master Application
Hello Everybody It is Gamer Today I am Applying for Forum Master!
OldCP Username: Gamer
Forums Name: Gamer The Forgiven
Experience: Forum: Forum Master, Forum Knight, (ingame): Imperial Knight, Head Of Knights, Prince, Used to be on the Damen Manor.
Currently Trying to earn: Wise One, And getting my name back on the Damen Manor.
Current Posts: 1001
Current Reputation: 711
Forum Ranks You Have Been: Rookie (When started) Member, Master, Knight
Why Are You Applying For Forum Master? : Well, Recently I used to be Master and then I became Knight on the forums but recently I had commited treason too if some of you may remember me going to trial and being sentenced to death, but now I am back because I was forgiven and I have learned my lesson and I will never ever commit treason or a serious crime ever again. But why I am applying is I am willing to help other members on the forum, Rookies, Members, I am willing to give them advice on like how they could improve their posts or give them some advice on how to make a great post and a help and support post which could be useful and helpful for other staff members and members, masters etc on the forum. I am willing to also help new users on the forum to understand the forum by explaining the rules to them, or I will show them where the rules are and what the forum is for.
Thank You For Reading My Forum Master Application, Waddle On. - Gamer The Forgiven