2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
14th September 2014, 05:13 AM
Penguin Watch Application
Hello, Fellow Users & Staff Members Of The DSGHQ My Name is Gamer and today I am going to apply for Penguin Watch.
I Hope you like my application.
Ingame Name: Gamer
Current: Nothing
Imperial Knight
Head Of Knights
Forum Experience:
Forum Knight (used to be)
Master (Current)
News Reporter (quit)
Rookie (when started)
Why Are You Applying For Penguin Watch
Well, seeing as Penguin Watch members are still being recruited I thought I should try applying for something else.
Such as this rank and trying to be something different, rather than applying for the same thing like Knight again.
I have experienced Knight and became one a few times but maybe it is time I became something else.
A Brother Of The Watch is Once a brother and always a brother and You Can't Leave the PW Once you are a brother of the watch.
Some brothers of the watch are undercover some tell their friends their identity
but there not suppose to maybe their friends would tell it in public, and if you tell everyone ur identity
you could get sentenced to death possibly
or lose your position and you could blow your cover.
Some Captain's of the watch can reveal their position to other watch members but undercover members of the watch cant ask for the promotion.
What Will You Do If You Are A Brother Of The Watch
If i am ever a Brother of the watch, I will be online atleast 3 times per week and 10 minutes each on the watch watching out for any bullies.
And I will fight other bullies and make sure the island is safe with no racism, cussing, fighting,
arguments that involve saying stuff to eachothers parents, graandmas, aunts, uncles, family members etc,
and I will make sure to kick the accounts that have a bad cuss word in the name.
I will not give out Penguin Watch information to anyone because Penguin Watch information is
classified and is only for the brothers of the watch and captains of the watch to know.
What Will You Do If You See Somebody Bullying
If I saw somebody bullying another person I would tell them off to stop, and if they carry on bullying, being racist, etc
I will tell them off again if they carry on once more I will kick them. But if i am ever undercover I must remember to not kick in public it could blow my cover and I could lose my position. If they keep on carrying on, then I will tell a staff member to ban them.
Thank You For Reading
Thank You For Reading My Penguin Watch Application, Waddle On And Stay Safe from bullies - Gamer
2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023