15th September 2014
Snaildom Story: The Adventure
1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
15th September 2014, 03:47 PM
This is a story we all know but, with a twist. Haven't we all heard of the Wizard of Oz? It’s a story about a little girl named Raindrop. She had a wonderful life! She had a wonderful Mother and Father. And three great friends! Jacks, Kricken, and Angi. She also had a dog named Mimi. The four always had great fun together! But, there was always one neighbor across the street who always complained about the four. She never liked them we can all tell. But, still they continued seeing each other every day! Raindrop had a wonderful life but, she always wondered about the world and exploring it’s wonders! But, one day a tornado hit Kansas. Raindrop ran but, she couldn’t reach the basement of her house in time! What will happen next?
Chapter 1
It was a normal day. Raindrop was playing a game of hide and seek with her friends. As she hid behind a tree she heard kricken running in the grass. Raindrop felt her dog Mimi licking at her feet. “Shhh.” Raindrop said. “Quiet Mimi Kricken’s coming.” Raindrop stood silent then, all of a sudden Kricken popped out from behind the tree. The two couldn’t help but, laugh. “So, where’s Jack and Angi?” Said Raindrop. “I haven’t found them y-“ And before Kricken could get another word in Angi fell from out of the tree. It was so funny Jacks started laughing in the bush he was hiding in. “There they are Raindrop!” Said with a laugh! “Well, I have to go.” Angi said “Why?” Said Raindrop “We’re having so much fun!” “I wish I could stay but, my Mom told me a storm was coming and I should be home by lunch.” “I should probably go too.” Said Kricken. “Yeah, me too.” Replied Jacks. “Well, maybe we can all meet at the park tomorrow.” Said Raindrop. “That sounds fun!” Said Angi. “Great! Well, see you all then!” Said Raindrop. Raindrop ran inside to get Mimi but, she was nowhere to be seen. “MIMI!” Raindrop shouted. “Mother where’s Mimi? I saw her before I went outside.” “Did you check Mimi’s bed?” Her mother replied. “I guess I’ll check and see.” Raindrop ran over to Mimi’s doggy bed and she wasn’t in there. Raindrop went outside to see her Dad carrying Mimi in his arms. “MIMI!” Shouted Raindrop! “Where has she been? I was looking all ov-“ Her father stopped her from speaking. “Raindrop he said Mimi was in our neighbor’s house chewing on her couch pillows again.” “You don’t mean the old cat lady across the street do you?” Said Raindrop. “But, how did Mimi get in there?” “The cat door she had installed.” Her Father said. “Oh Mimi!” Raindrop reached out to hold Mimi but her father stopped her again. “Why can’t I hold Mimi?” Said Raindrop. “Our neighbor is going to take Mimi away because of how many times Mimi snuck in her house.” “WHAT!?” “NO!” Cried Raindrop. “Mimi is my dog. You can’t let her take Mimi away.” “We have too!” Replied her father. Raindrop began to cry and she inside. She went into her bedroom and sobbed until she fell asleep. Mimi got carried over to the neighbor’s house. “THANK YOU.” Said the cat lady. “I’LL TAKE THIS DOG TO THE POUND.” Mimi whimpered as she got placed into the car. As the car started Mimi noticed an open window. She wanted to get back to Raindrop as quickly as possible. Without a though Mimi jumped out the window.
Chapter 2
The storm
The storm
When Raindrop woke up she realized she slept through dinner last night. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to spend a life time without my favorite pet.” Raindrop sighed. “If only there was another land. One with no troubles or worries. Where everything is beautiful! Not like Kansas with neighbors that want to take away your pet. If there was another land out there waiting for me, I bet it is better than this one.” Said Raindrop. Raindrop hopped down the stairs and heard a soft scratching at the door. “Who is it?” Said Raindrop. The scratching continued and there on the doorstep was Mimi covered in dirt and grass. Without thinking Raindrop picked up Mimi and hugged her tight. “I can’t believe she got home. Wait, I have to hide you. I’m not losing you again Mimi that’s for sure!” Raindrop wrapped Mimi in a blanket and put her in a small basket. “This is how I have to walk you from now on. I’m not letting that wicked old witch steal you again!” Raindrop walked a few blocks down and heard some thunder. “That’s strange. I thought the storm was going to be yesterday. Well, we should get home Mimi and quick!” Raindrop began to hear the thunder more clear as she kept walking. All of a sudden a huge wind picked up! It was hard for Raindrop to move forward with such a strong wind. “We have to get home before Mother and Father get worried.” Raindrop said as she struggled to walk through the wind. As she kept walking objects started to get picked up by the wind. Chairs went flying down the street and trees were about to fall down! “Oh this storm is worse than I thought we have to get home!” Raindrop said. All of a sudden the wind got bigger and standing about a mile behind from Raindrop was a tornado. As Raindrop saw her house right before her eyes she heard her Mother screaming through the window. “RAINDROP HURRY!” Raindrop turned around and behind her just a few blocks away, was a tornado that reached the top of the sky. Raindrop ran as fast as she could into the house. She knew when a storm like this hit she should go into the basement. Raindrop reached for the door handle. “Locked!” She said. All of a sudden a window busted open from the strong winds and a chair from the kitchen came flying into Raindrop. - BOOM –
Chapter 3
As Raindrop blinked her eyes open she looked over and saw Mimi inside the basket shaking. Raindrop looked around. “Mimi, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Said Raindrop. That’s when an ice blue bubble came floating down and popped right next to Raindrop. After it popped a beautiful Queen walked out. Raindrop stood in shock. “W-who are you?” Raindrop said. "I am queen IceeSofie!" Queen of Snaildom. "Snaildom?!" Said Raindrop. "What's that?" "Snaildom is here!" Replied Sofie. There was laughter in the background. "What was that?!" Shouted Raindrop. "Oh them, they're just the Snails coming to greet you! They are happy because your house crushed the wicked old which who tried to take over! " Said Sofie. "My house?!" Raindrop said as she turned around and saw her house crushed over a little person. "Oh my, I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-" And before Raindrop could get another word in. "You did us good!" Said Sofie. "Good?!" Said Raindrop. "Now that she is gone we can have a party!" Said Sofie "But, I can't have a party now, I have to get back home to Kansas." Said Raindrop. "Why would you want to go home? Snaildom is amazing! Well, if you insist." Said Sofie. But, before another word came out of Sophie's mouth, a witch on a broomstick came flying down. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA" Laughed the witch. She looked a little like that nast neighbor of Raindrop. As the witch flew down she stared at Raindrop. Raindrop hid behind the queen and shook with fear. As the witch got off the broomstick she looked all around. "WHERE IS IT!? She said with anger. "I do not know what you are talking about." said Sofie. The Witch screamed! "AHHHHHHHH" "MY NECKLACE!" She looked over at Raindrop. "I'm not wearing a-" Raindrop looked at her neck and saw a beautiful pearl necklace that hung around her neck. "GIVE IT TO ME." The witch said. "IT WAS MY SISTER'S BEFORE YOU CRUSHED HER WITH YOUR HOUSE!" Sofie began to speak. "I cast a spell on it so it would never get removed from her neck! I wouldn't want to place it in the wrong hands." "OHHHH YOU!" Yelled the witch. "Why does she want it?" Whispered Raindrop. "It gives her powers but, not good ones, horrible powers that destroy and cause evil." Replied Sofie “OH I’LL BE BACK DON’T WORRY ABOUT A THING! AAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” And the witch flew off. “Don’t worry about her you will be safe with the necklace on.” Said Sofie “If you want to find your way back home, just follow the toblerone rode!" "The Toblerone rode?!" Replied Raindrop. "It's a Rode Made of Tolerones! See it?" Said Sofie! "What's at the end of the road?" Said Raindrop "The kingdom of Toblerone of course! That's where you'll find Damen the great and powerful and he will get you a way home!" Raindrop looked at the road. She picked up Mimi in her small basket. "Well, here I go." As Raindrop stepped onto the road she heard the little Snails cheering in the background! "Oh and rememebr to watch out for the-" Sofie couldn't finish she immediately turned into a bubble once again. Let’s go Mimi.
Chapter 4
As Raindrop and Mimi walked along the Toblerone road they saw many things on their journey! It was very long and the two started to get tired. "We've been walking for hours Mimi, let’s take a break." Said Raindrop They both sat next to a fence. Behind the fence was a whole farm! "Hey! Hey you!" Said a voice. Raindrop jumped up and looked around . "Who are you?" Raindrop said. "Up here, behind you!" said the familliar voice. Raindrop turned around and saw a person stuck in a tree with wings, that looked somewhat like Angi. "Hey, can you get me down from here? I've been up here for a while and I want to see the world!" Said Angi. "Well, if I get you down will you help me find Damen?" Said Raindrop. "Of course! I’ve been wanting to get my wings back for a while now! I miss flying with my friends. Said Angi. Raindrop climbed over the fence and helped Angi from out of the tree. "WO!" Angi said as she fell from the post. "Are you okay?" Said Raindrop. "Well, this is my first time using legs before! Wow, it feels great to be on the ground!" Said Angi. "I feel like running and leaping and-" Angi fell again. "Let’s just walk." Said Raindrop with a smile. Angi blushed. “I usually use my wings to get me places but, since the witch cut them off of me, I can’t fly anywhere.“
Chapter 5
As they continued on they noticed a giant toblerone river running right through the road. "Oh! Now what are we going to do!" Said Raindrop. "I can help with that!" Said another famillair voice. And out of from behind a tree comes out a brave knight! "Who, are you?" Said Raindrop. "I am a brave knight of course! Since I am a knight I wear armor and since I wear armor sometimes I rust and since I rust, I never have been able to get out of my armor." Said the Jacks Knight. "Awwh." Said Raindrop. "How about he comes with us?" Said Angi. "That's a great idea!" Replied Raindrop. "Where are you off too?" Said the Jacks Knight. "We are going to see Damen, so I can get back to Kansas and she can get her wings back." Said Raindrop. "I'd love to join you! Maybe Damen can use his powers to get me out of my armor!" "He has powers?" Said Raindrop. "Tons of powers!" Replied The Jacks Knight. "Then we don't have any time to loose so let’s go!” “But, wait!” Raindrop said. What about the river in the middle of our road. You said you can get us across!” “And I can.” Replied Jacks. Jacks took his golden sword and chopped down a tree. “If we climb across the tree to the other side, we can continue with our quest to find Damen!” “Nice job!” Said Angi!
Chapter 6
After a long day, night had fallen over there journey. “Oh my!” Said Raindrop “The trail leads right into a cave.” “We’ll just have to run through it.” Said Angi. As they walked into the cave they heard water dripping onto the floor. “This is getting creepy.” Said Jacks In the dead silence of their footsteps they heard a loud yawn. “I don’t think we’re the only ones in this cave!” Said Raindrop and suddenly there was a loud -ROOOOOOOAAAAR- Everyone screamed in fright running in circles. Jacks ran so fast he bumped into the light switch on the cave wall. In all the chaos sat a small kitten on the floor. “Just a cat.” Said Angi. “Awwwh!” Said Raindrop. “It’s so cute!” “Come here little guy!” Said Jacks. “EXCUSE ME?!” Replied the kitten. The friends stood in shock. “I AM A GIRL! And I can talk too! Hi, I’m Kricken.” “Hi I’m Raindrop and this is Angi, and Jacks.” “You’re probably wondering why I am a cat, correct?” Said Kricken The friends nodded. “Well, that evil witch was going to turn my brother into a slug.” “A slug!?” Said Angi. “Yes, a slug.” Replied Kricken. “Anyways I said take me instead but, turn me into something else. And she turned me into a cat so what?” The friends stood there in shock with a small amount of fear. “Well, Kricken, you seem like you need some help, would you like to come with us to see Damen? “YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!” Yelled Kricken in joy! “Then, let’s go!” Said Angi.
Chapter 7
When the fearless friends set off to find Damen they thought nothing could stop them. “We can do it!” Said Raindrop. When they reached the end of the cave they could see Damen’s huge castle! “I see it” Said Jacks! Everyone cheered and laughed! But, that didn’t last long. “I can’t believe we final-“ Before Raindrop could get another word in a giant flying slug swooped down and captured Raindrop. “HELP!” Raindrop cried! “RAINDROP NO!” Yelled Angi, Jacks, and Kricken. Raindrop was in the hands of a slimy sticky slug. “WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!” Said Kricken “HOW!?! SHE’S BEEN TAKEN AWAY FROM US!” Replied Jacks. “WELL WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!” Yelled Angi. So, Angi, Jacks, and Kricken stepped off of the tolerone road and chased after the slug. “FASTER GUYS, RUN!” Angi yelled. They picked up speed and found the destination where their beloved friend Raindrop was being held. “The wicked witches castle.” Said Kricken. The three looked at the guards at standing at the door. “So, how will we save Raindrop and Mimi.” Said Jacks. “I say we attack the guards.” Said Angi. “No, no, no, what we need to do is create a distraction.” Angi and Kricken looked over at Jacks. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Jacks said. “Jacks, you have to be the distraction.” Said Angi. “What me!? I can’t do it!” Said Jacks. “You have too, you’re the strongest and bravest of all of us!" Replied Kricken "Please Jacks!" Said Angi. "Fine." Replied Jacks. "I'll fight off the guards so you both can sneak in and get Raindrop out of there!" -Meanwhile- "Let me go you slug!" Shouted Raindrop "My friends will be here soon and you'll regret this!" Raindrop struggled in the slug’s hard grip. "Where are you taking me?" Said Raindrop. " The slug did not answer. "Oh!" Raindrop yelled. The wicked witch bursted through the doors. "Good job my slug! Now to take off the necklace." Said the Witch. Raindrop was worried, she knew she wasn't strong enough to fight off this witch. As the witch went to pull off the necklace it stuck to Raindrop's neck. "WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Yelled the Witch. "I guess we'll just have to kill her." Said the Witch. "NO NO!" Cried Raindrop! Mimi started to bark in the basket Raindrop was holding. "OH THAT LITTLE RAT!" Yelled the Witch. "She's not a rat stop it and let me go!" Yelled Raindrop. "Take her and her dog to the dungeons, tomorrow the necklace will be mine." Said the Witch with an evil tone.
Chapter 8
Saving Raindrop.
Saving Raindrop.
“Ok Jacks, are you ready to do this?” Said Kricken. Jacks nodded and took out his sword. “Ok run out on three.” Said Angi. “One, Two, Three!” Jacks ran out in front of the slug guards ready to fight with his golden sword! Kricken and Angi hurried behind the fight into the castle. “So, what room do we go to?” Said Angi. “We didn’t think this through!” Replied Kricken. The two looked around and saw many doors. “Which one!?” Said Angi. “Start on the bottom floor, and we’ll work our way up.” Said Kricken. The two brave friends started looking for Raindrop! “We checked all the doors on the bottom floor, and there’s nothing!” Said Kricken. Angi walked around. “We can’t go upstairs, we’ll get caught!” Said Angi. “You’re right there must be something down here though!” Replied Kricken. “Maybe a lever!” Said Angi. All of a sudden there was footsteps coming their way. “HIDE!” Said Kricken. The two hid in a nearby room. “Peek out a crack of the door.” Angi whispered. As Kricken looked out a small crack of the door, they saw their friend Jacks being carried inside by two slugs. “Oh no!” Whispered Kricken. “They got Jacks!” “Maybe they’re taking him where Raindrop is!” Whispered Angi. “I’ll see.” Said Kricken. “They’re walking, walking, looking at books, pulling a book, going through a secret passage.” Said Kricken. “I knew it! There is a secret passage!” Whispered Angi. “They already carried Jacks down, we have to follow them and fight!” Said Kricken. “But, we have no weapons.” Replied Angi. The two turned around to notice two swords in a glass case mounted on the wall. “THE SWORDS!” Yelled Kricken. Angi and Kricken grabbed two swords and charged into the secret passage. They ran about half way down to notice the slugs carrying Jacks. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Angi and Kricken yelled as they whacked the slugs in the head. “You both made it!” Said Jacks with happiness! “Hurry!” Said Angi. “Hurry where?!” Said Jacks. “This might be the place where they hid Raindrop!” Said Kricken. The three ran down the stairs to see Raindrop and Mimi in a prison cell. Raindrop smiled and whipped the tears off of her face! “You guys! You’re here!” Said Raindrop happily. “What did they do to you?!” Said Kricken. “Did they give you anything to eat?!” Said Jacks. “They were planning on killing me, and the only thing they gave me was this bucket of water.” Replied Raindrop. “Hurry Angi, get the key.” Said Kricken. “There’s no key!” Said Angi. “What do we d-“ All of a sudden the wicked Witch came into the room. “I THOUGHT I SMELLED A RAT.” She said with anger. “OH You stop it!” Yelled Raindrop. “I MIGHT AS WELL JUST KILL YOU NOW!” Yelled the witch. Suddenly Raindrop felt angry. She felt more angry than she ever did in her life. She wanted to see her Mother and Father again and she wanted to go back home! Raindrop picked up the bucket of water and splashed it at the witch. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Yelled the Witch. “I’M MELTING! MELTING MELTING!” Raindrop stood in shock to see the wicked witch melt to the ground. All that was left was a broomstick.
Chapter 9
The four friends stood in shock. Jacks picked up the witches broom and a key fell from it. “It’s the key!” Said Angi! “Jacks immediately unlocked Raindrop from her prison cell! The four friends hugged each other and cried tears of joy that Raindrop was safe. “Now, let’s go see Damen.” They all rushed up the flight of stairs and at the top was all of the wicked witches slugs, standing in a line with their weapons ready. “Uh oh.” Said Jacks. All of a sudden they started to cheer! “HORRAY FOR RAINDROP!” They shouted! Everyone laughed and cheered. “Aren’t you mad will killed your master?” Said Angi. “Oh, no we hated her! We’ve wanted to be free of being a slug for ages!” One of the slugs replied. “What do you mean?” Said Raindrop. “Well, years ago, we were great snails! Roaming and living free amoung the town of Snaildom. But, one day, the wicked witch tried to take Queen Iceesofie from us. We couldn’t let that happen so, all of us snails got together and handed ourselves in instead.” Kricken looked at Raindrop and nodded. “Do you want to come with us to see Damen?” Said Raindrop. “Oh! Yes!” Replied the slugs. “Wait, you can fly right?” Said Raindrop. “Of course!” Answered one of the slugs. “Fly us to Damen!” Said Jacks. Each of the friends rode on a flying slug to Damen’s kingdom! As they landed the slugs, Raindrop knocked on the castle door. It was answered kindly by their good friend Sofie! “Nice to see you all again!” Sofie said with a smile! They all walked into the kingdom and looked around at the unique details and features on the magnificent castle. “Damen is waiting for you, in here.” Sofie lead the four friends to a huge door. As two snail guards opened it Raindrop gasped in wonder at how big the room was. Sitting in the biggest throne was Damen. “Come fourth Raindrop.” Damen called. Raindrop stepped forward and greeted Damen. “Queen Iceesofie has told me much about you. And you’ve come a long way haven’t you?” Said King Damen. “Oh, yes!” Raindrop replied. Iceesofie went over to Raindrop and said “Tell him what you did to save us.” Raindrop began to speak. “Well, I was on a long journey. My house crashed here after a big tornado in my home town. And, I managed to land directly on one of the wicked witches.” Everyone gasped. “But, that’s not where the story ends.” As Raindrop continued to speak everyone crowded around Oooing and Ahhing at how much she’s been through so bravely! At the end of the story Damen began to speak. “Raindrop, it seems to me you’ve been through a lot. And you would like to go back home, correct?” Damen Said. “Correct.” Raindrop replied. “But, before you leave, I want to make you the princess.” Everyone cheered as Damen placed a crown on her head. Everything was perfect well, almost perfect. “Oh, King Damen.” Said Raindrop. “Yes?” Damen replied. Raindrop whispered in her ear about her friends and, Damen nodded. “Come fourth friends of Raindrop.” Damen said. Jacks, Kricken, and Angi walked forward. “Raindrop told me you had some requests also?” Said Damen. The three friends nodded. Damen used his powers to grant Jacks out of his armor, Kricken back into her normal self. and gave Angi a pair of wings. “Thank you Raindrop!” They said. “Oh and don’t forget the slugs, they’re waiting outside for you.” Said Raindrop. “How could I forget?” Replied Damen.
Chapter 10
Coming home.
Coming home.
After a long night of feasting, uniting, and happiness. Raindrop had to leave the wonderful place. “I’m sorry, but, it’s for the best.” Raindrop said. Raindrop set her crown in her throne and, walked down to her friends. She hugged Kricken. “Oh, Kricken I remember when I met you. You were just a cat but, now look at you you’re just like us all! Tell your brother I said hi.” Raindrop said. Raindrop walked to Angi. “Angi, you were the first friend I met on this journey well, besides Mimi. But, we’ve had a lot of great times together and I’ll miss you.” The two friends hugged and Raindrop walked over to Jacks. “Jacks, I remember the first time I saw you with armor on. I was a bit frightened at first but, I learned how kind you could be. And now look! You got your armor off and you’re wearing new armor already.” Raindrop said. Then Raindrop walked over to Damen. “So, how do I get home?” Raindrop said. “Close your eyes and hold the pearl necklace.” Damen said. So, Raindrop did the same. She closed her eyes and held her pearl necklace close and she felt drifting, drifting, drifting……… Raindrop’s head began to hurt and she moaned. “Oh, Raindrop, it’ll be better soon.” Her mother said. Raindrop opened her eyes and saw her mother holding a cold compress on her head. Then she began to speak. She said. “I’m home! I’M HOME! Oh Mother I missed you!” Raindrop said. She hugged her Mother tight. “Whatever do you mean dear?” Her mother replied. “Nothing, it’s…….nothing” Raindrop said as she hugged her mother tight. Raindrop ran into the front yard seeing her friends outside waiting for her. “JACKS, KRICKEN, ANGI!” She yelled! All of the friends hugged but, Jacks, Kricken, and Angi had no idea why. That night they all stayed at Raindrops house for dinner as usual. But, after they left, Raindrop went to her bed room and opened her window. Sitting on it was a little snail. Raindrop smiled and went to bed.
The End.

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user

Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.
812 posts
Seen 16th August 2021
15th September 2014, 08:38 PM
This is a story we all know but, with a twist. Haven't we all heard of the Wizard of Oz? It’s a story about a little girl named Raindrop. She had a wonderful life! She had a wonderful Mother and Father. And three great friends! Jacks, Kricken, and Angi. She also had a dog named Mimi. The four always had great fun together! But, there was always one neighbor across the street who always complained about the four. She never liked them we can all tell. But, still they continued seeing each other every day! Raindrop had a wonderful life but, she always wondered about the world and exploring it’s wonders! But, one day a tornado hit Kansas. Raindrop ran but, she couldn’t reach the basement of her house in time! What will happen next?
Chapter 1
It was a normal day. Raindrop was playing a game of hide and seek with her friends. As she hid behind a tree she heard kricken running in the grass. Raindrop felt her dog Mimi licking at her feet. “Shhh.” Raindrop said. “Quiet Mimi Kricken’s coming.” Raindrop stood silent then, all of a sudden Kricken popped out from behind the tree. The two couldn’t help but, laugh. “So, where’s Jack and Angi?” Said Raindrop. “I haven’t found them y-“ And before Kricken could get another word in Angi fell from out of the tree. It was so funny Jacks started laughing in the bush he was hiding in. “There they are Raindrop!” Said with a laugh! “Well, I have to go.” Angi said “Why?” Said Raindrop “We’re having so much fun!” “I wish I could stay but, my Mom told me a storm was coming and I should be home by lunch.” “I should probably go too.” Said Kricken. “Yeah, me too.” Replied Jacks. “Well, maybe we can all meet at the park tomorrow.” Said Raindrop. “That sounds fun!” Said Angi. “Great! Well, see you all then!” Said Raindrop. Raindrop ran inside to get Mimi but, she was nowhere to be seen. “MIMI!” Raindrop shouted. “Mother where’s Mimi? I saw her before I went outside.” “Did you check Mimi’s bed?” Her mother replied. “I guess I’ll check and see.” Raindrop ran over to Mimi’s doggy bed and she wasn’t in there. Raindrop went outside to see her Dad carrying Mimi in his arms. “MIMI!” Shouted Raindrop! “Where has she been? I was looking all ov-“ Her father stopped her from speaking. “Raindrop he said Mimi was in our neighbor’s house chewing on her couch pillows again.” “You don’t mean the old cat lady across the street do you?” Said Raindrop. “But, how did Mimi get in there?” “The cat door she had installed.” Her Father said. “Oh Mimi!” Raindrop reached out to hold Mimi but her father stopped her again. “Why can’t I hold Mimi?” Said Raindrop. “Our neighbor is going to take Mimi away because of how many times Mimi snuck in her house.” “WHAT!?” “NO!” Cried Raindrop. “Mimi is my dog. You can’t let her take Mimi away.” “We have too!” Replied her father. Raindrop began to cry and she inside. She went into her bedroom and sobbed until she fell asleep. Mimi got carried over to the neighbor’s house. “THANK YOU.” Said the cat lady. “I’LL TAKE THIS DOG TO THE POUND.” Mimi whimpered as she got placed into the car. As the car started Mimi noticed an open window. She wanted to get back to Raindrop as quickly as possible. Without a though Mimi jumped out the window.
Chapter 2
The storm
The storm
When Raindrop woke up she realized she slept through dinner last night. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to spend a life time without my favorite pet.” Raindrop sighed. “If only there was another land. One with no troubles or worries. Where everything is beautiful! Not like Kansas with neighbors that want to take away your pet. If there was another land out there waiting for me, I bet it is better than this one.” Said Raindrop. Raindrop hopped down the stairs and heard a soft scratching at the door. “Who is it?” Said Raindrop. The scratching continued and there on the doorstep was Mimi covered in dirt and grass. Without thinking Raindrop picked up Mimi and hugged her tight. “I can’t believe she got home. Wait, I have to hide you. I’m not losing you again Mimi that’s for sure!” Raindrop wrapped Mimi in a blanket and put her in a small basket. “This is how I have to walk you from now on. I’m not letting that wicked old witch steal you again!” Raindrop walked a few blocks down and heard some thunder. “That’s strange. I thought the storm was going to be yesterday. Well, we should get home Mimi and quick!” Raindrop began to hear the thunder more clear as she kept walking. All of a sudden a huge wind picked up! It was hard for Raindrop to move forward with such a strong wind. “We have to get home before Mother and Father get worried.” Raindrop said as she struggled to walk through the wind. As she kept walking objects started to get picked up by the wind. Chairs went flying down the street and trees were about to fall down! “Oh this storm is worse than I thought we have to get home!” Raindrop said. All of a sudden the wind got bigger and standing about a mile behind from Raindrop was a tornado. As Raindrop saw her house right before her eyes she heard her Mother screaming through the window. “RAINDROP HURRY!” Raindrop turned around and behind her just a few blocks away, was a tornado that reached the top of the sky. Raindrop ran as fast as she could into the house. She knew when a storm like this hit she should go into the basement. Raindrop reached for the door handle. “Locked!” She said. All of a sudden a window busted open from the strong winds and a chair from the kitchen came flying into Raindrop. - BOOM –
Chapter 3
As Raindrop blinked her eyes open she looked over and saw Mimi inside the basket shaking. Raindrop looked around. “Mimi, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Said Raindrop. That’s when an ice blue bubble came floating down and popped right next to Raindrop. After it popped a beautiful Queen walked out. Raindrop stood in shock. “W-who are you?” Raindrop said. "I am queen IceeSofie!" Queen of Snaildom. "Snaildom?!" Said Raindrop. "What's that?" "Snaildom is here!" Replied Sofie. There was laughter in the background. "What was that?!" Shouted Raindrop. "Oh them, they're just the Snails coming to greet you! They are happy because your house crushed the wicked old which who tried to take over! " Said Sofie. "My house?!" Raindrop said as she turned around and saw her house crushed over a little person. "Oh my, I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-" And before Raindrop could get another word in. "You did us good!" Said Sofie. "Good?!" Said Raindrop. "Now that she is gone we can have a party!" Said Sofie "But, I can't have a party now, I have to get back home to Kansas." Said Raindrop. "Why would you want to go home? Snaildom is amazing! Well, if you insist." Said Sofie. But, before another word came out of Sophie's mouth, a witch on a broomstick came flying down. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA" Laughed the witch. She looked a little like that nast neighbor of Raindrop. As the witch flew down she stared at Raindrop. Raindrop hid behind the queen and shook with fear. As the witch got off the broomstick she looked all around. "WHERE IS IT!? She said with anger. "I do not know what you are talking about." said Sofie. The Witch screamed! "AHHHHHHHH" "MY NECKLACE!" She looked over at Raindrop. "I'm not wearing a-" Raindrop looked at her neck and saw a beautiful pearl necklace that hung around her neck. "GIVE IT TO ME." The witch said. "IT WAS MY SISTER'S BEFORE YOU CRUSHED HER WITH YOUR HOUSE!" Sofie began to speak. "I cast a spell on it so it would never get removed from her neck! I wouldn't want to place it in the wrong hands." "OHHHH YOU!" Yelled the witch. "Why does she want it?" Whispered Raindrop. "It gives her powers but, not good ones, horrible powers that destroy and cause evil." Replied Sofie “OH I’LL BE BACK DON’T WORRY ABOUT A THING! AAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” And the witch flew off. “Don’t worry about her you will be safe with the necklace on.” Said Sofie “If you want to find your way back home, just follow the toblerone rode!" "The Toblerone rode?!" Replied Raindrop. "It's a Rode Made of Tolerones! See it?" Said Sofie! "What's at the end of the road?" Said Raindrop "The kingdom of Toblerone of course! That's where you'll find Damen the great and powerful and he will get you a way home!" Raindrop looked at the road. She picked up Mimi in her small basket. "Well, here I go." As Raindrop stepped onto the road she heard the little Snails cheering in the background! "Oh and rememebr to watch out for the-" Sofie couldn't finish she immediately turned into a bubble once again. Let’s go Mimi.
Chapter 4
As Raindrop and Mimi walked along the Toblerone road they saw many things on their journey! It was very long and the two started to get tired. "We've been walking for hours Mimi, let’s take a break." Said Raindrop They both sat next to a fence. Behind the fence was a whole farm! "Hey! Hey you!" Said a voice. Raindrop jumped up and looked around . "Who are you?" Raindrop said. "Up here, behind you!" said the familliar voice. Raindrop turned around and saw a person stuck in a tree with wings, that looked somewhat like Angi. "Hey, can you get me down from here? I've been up here for a while and I want to see the world!" Said Angi. "Well, if I get you down will you help me find Damen?" Said Raindrop. "Of course! I’ve been wanting to get my wings back for a while now! I miss flying with my friends. Said Angi. Raindrop climbed over the fence and helped Angi from out of the tree. "WO!" Angi said as she fell from the post. "Are you okay?" Said Raindrop. "Well, this is my first time using legs before! Wow, it feels great to be on the ground!" Said Angi. "I feel like running and leaping and-" Angi fell again. "Let’s just walk." Said Raindrop with a smile. Angi blushed. “I usually use my wings to get me places but, since the witch cut them off of me, I can’t fly anywhere.“
Chapter 5
As they continued on they noticed a giant toblerone river running right through the road. "Oh! Now what are we going to do!" Said Raindrop. "I can help with that!" Said another famillair voice. And out of from behind a tree comes out a brave knight! "Who, are you?" Said Raindrop. "I am a brave knight of course! Since I am a knight I wear armor and since I wear armor sometimes I rust and since I rust, I never have been able to get out of my armor." Said the Jacks Knight. "Awwh." Said Raindrop. "How about he comes with us?" Said Angi. "That's a great idea!" Replied Raindrop. "Where are you off too?" Said the Jacks Knight. "We are going to see Damen, so I can get back to Kansas and she can get her wings back." Said Raindrop. "I'd love to join you! Maybe Damen can use his powers to get me out of my armor!" "He has powers?" Said Raindrop. "Tons of powers!" Replied The Jacks Knight. "Then we don't have any time to loose so let’s go!” “But, wait!” Raindrop said. What about the river in the middle of our road. You said you can get us across!” “And I can.” Replied Jacks. Jacks took his golden sword and chopped down a tree. “If we climb across the tree to the other side, we can continue with our quest to find Damen!” “Nice job!” Said Angi!
Chapter 6
After a long day, night had fallen over there journey. “Oh my!” Said Raindrop “The trail leads right into a cave.” “We’ll just have to run through it.” Said Angi. As they walked into the cave they heard water dripping onto the floor. “This is getting creepy.” Said Jacks In the dead silence of their footsteps they heard a loud yawn. “I don’t think we’re the only ones in this cave!” Said Raindrop and suddenly there was a loud -ROOOOOOOAAAAR- Everyone screamed in fright running in circles. Jacks ran so fast he bumped into the light switch on the cave wall. In all the chaos sat a small kitten on the floor. “Just a cat.” Said Angi. “Awwwh!” Said Raindrop. “It’s so cute!” “Come here little guy!” Said Jacks. “EXCUSE ME?!” Replied the kitten. The friends stood in shock. “I AM A GIRL! And I can talk too! Hi, I’m Kricken.” “Hi I’m Raindrop and this is Angi, and Jacks.” “You’re probably wondering why I am a cat, correct?” Said Kricken The friends nodded. “Well, that evil witch was going to turn my brother into a slug.” “A slug!?” Said Angi. “Yes, a slug.” Replied Kricken. “Anyways I said take me instead but, turn me into something else. And she turned me into a cat so what?” The friends stood there in shock with a small amount of fear. “Well, Kricken, you seem like you need some help, would you like to come with us to see Damen? “YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!” Yelled Kricken in joy! “Then, let’s go!” Said Angi.
Chapter 7
When the fearless friends set off to find Damen they thought nothing could stop them. “We can do it!” Said Raindrop. When they reached the end of the cave they could see Damen’s huge castle! “I see it” Said Jacks! Everyone cheered and laughed! But, that didn’t last long. “I can’t believe we final-“ Before Raindrop could get another word in a giant flying slug swooped down and captured Raindrop. “HELP!” Raindrop cried! “RAINDROP NO!” Yelled Angi, Jacks, and Kricken. Raindrop was in the hands of a slimy sticky slug. “WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!” Said Kricken “HOW!?! SHE’S BEEN TAKEN AWAY FROM US!” Replied Jacks. “WELL WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!” Yelled Angi. So, Angi, Jacks, and Kricken stepped off of the tolerone road and chased after the slug. “FASTER GUYS, RUN!” Angi yelled. They picked up speed and found the destination where their beloved friend Raindrop was being held. “The wicked witches castle.” Said Kricken. The three looked at the guards at standing at the door. “So, how will we save Raindrop and Mimi.” Said Jacks. “I say we attack the guards.” Said Angi. “No, no, no, what we need to do is create a distraction.” Angi and Kricken looked over at Jacks. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Jacks said. “Jacks, you have to be the distraction.” Said Angi. “What me!? I can’t do it!” Said Jacks. “You have too, you’re the strongest and bravest of all of us!" Replied Kricken "Please Jacks!" Said Angi. "Fine." Replied Jacks. "I'll fight off the guards so you both can sneak in and get Raindrop out of there!" -Meanwhile- "Let me go you slug!" Shouted Raindrop "My friends will be here soon and you'll regret this!" Raindrop struggled in the slug’s hard grip. "Where are you taking me?" Said Raindrop. " The slug did not answer. "Oh!" Raindrop yelled. The wicked witch bursted through the doors. "Good job my slug! Now to take off the necklace." Said the Witch. Raindrop was worried, she knew she wasn't strong enough to fight off this witch. As the witch went to pull off the necklace it stuck to Raindrop's neck. "WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Yelled the Witch. "I guess we'll just have to kill her." Said the Witch. "NO NO!" Cried Raindrop! Mimi started to bark in the basket Raindrop was holding. "OH THAT LITTLE RAT!" Yelled the Witch. "She's not a rat stop it and let me go!" Yelled Raindrop. "Take her and her dog to the dungeons, tomorrow the necklace will be mine." Said the Witch with an evil tone.
Chapter 8
Saving Raindrop.
Saving Raindrop.
“Ok Jacks, are you ready to do this?” Said Kricken. Jacks nodded and took out his sword. “Ok run out on three.” Said Angi. “One, Two, Three!” Jacks ran out in front of the slug guards ready to fight with his golden sword! Kricken and Angi hurried behind the fight into the castle. “So, what room do we go to?” Said Angi. “We didn’t think this through!” Replied Kricken. The two looked around and saw many doors. “Which one!?” Said Angi. “Start on the bottom floor, and we’ll work our way up.” Said Kricken. The two brave friends started looking for Raindrop! “We checked all the doors on the bottom floor, and there’s nothing!” Said Kricken. Angi walked around. “We can’t go upstairs, we’ll get caught!” Said Angi. “You’re right there must be something down here though!” Replied Kricken. “Maybe a lever!” Said Angi. All of a sudden there was footsteps coming their way. “HIDE!” Said Kricken. The two hid in a nearby room. “Peek out a crack of the door.” Angi whispered. As Kricken looked out a small crack of the door, they saw their friend Jacks being carried inside by two slugs. “Oh no!” Whispered Kricken. “They got Jacks!” “Maybe they’re taking him where Raindrop is!” Whispered Angi. “I’ll see.” Said Kricken. “They’re walking, walking, looking at books, pulling a book, going through a secret passage.” Said Kricken. “I knew it! There is a secret passage!” Whispered Angi. “They already carried Jacks down, we have to follow them and fight!” Said Kricken. “But, we have no weapons.” Replied Angi. The two turned around to notice two swords in a glass case mounted on the wall. “THE SWORDS!” Yelled Kricken. Angi and Kricken grabbed two swords and charged into the secret passage. They ran about half way down to notice the slugs carrying Jacks. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Angi and Kricken yelled as they whacked the slugs in the head. “You both made it!” Said Jacks with happiness! “Hurry!” Said Angi. “Hurry where?!” Said Jacks. “This might be the place where they hid Raindrop!” Said Kricken. The three ran down the stairs to see Raindrop and Mimi in a prison cell. Raindrop smiled and whipped the tears off of her face! “You guys! You’re here!” Said Raindrop happily. “What did they do to you?!” Said Kricken. “Did they give you anything to eat?!” Said Jacks. “They were planning on killing me, and the only thing they gave me was this bucket of water.” Replied Raindrop. “Hurry Angi, get the key.” Said Kricken. “There’s no key!” Said Angi. “What do we d-“ All of a sudden the wicked Witch came into the room. “I THOUGHT I SMELLED A RAT.” She said with anger. “OH You stop it!” Yelled Raindrop. “I MIGHT AS WELL JUST KILL YOU NOW!” Yelled the witch. Suddenly Raindrop felt angry. She felt more angry than she ever did in her life. She wanted to see her Mother and Father again and she wanted to go back home! Raindrop picked up the bucket of water and splashed it at the witch. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Yelled the Witch. “I’M MELTING! MELTING MELTING!” Raindrop stood in shock to see the wicked witch melt to the ground. All that was left was a broomstick.
Chapter 9
The four friends stood in shock. Jacks picked up the witches broom and a key fell from it. “It’s the key!” Said Angi! “Jacks immediately unlocked Raindrop from her prison cell! The four friends hugged each other and cried tears of joy that Raindrop was safe. “Now, let’s go see Damen.” They all rushed up the flight of stairs and at the top was all of the wicked witches slugs, standing in a line with their weapons ready. “Uh oh.” Said Jacks. All of a sudden they started to cheer! “HORRAY FOR RAINDROP!” They shouted! Everyone laughed and cheered. “Aren’t you mad will killed your master?” Said Angi. “Oh, no we hated her! We’ve wanted to be free of being a slug for ages!” One of the slugs replied. “What do you mean?” Said Raindrop. “Well, years ago, we were great snails! Roaming and living free amoung the town of Snaildom. But, one day, the wicked witch tried to take Queen Iceesofie from us. We couldn’t let that happen so, all of us snails got together and handed ourselves in instead.” Kricken looked at Raindrop and nodded. “Do you want to come with us to see Damen?” Said Raindrop. “Oh! Yes!” Replied the slugs. “Wait, you can fly right?” Said Raindrop. “Of course!” Answered one of the slugs. “Fly us to Damen!” Said Jacks. Each of the friends rode on a flying slug to Damen’s kingdom! As they landed the slugs, Raindrop knocked on the castle door. It was answered kindly by their good friend Sofie! “Nice to see you all again!” Sofie said with a smile! They all walked into the kingdom and looked around at the unique details and features on the magnificent castle. “Damen is waiting for you, in here.” Sofie lead the four friends to a huge door. As two snail guards opened it Raindrop gasped in wonder at how big the room was. Sitting in the biggest throne was Damen. “Come fourth Raindrop.” Damen called. Raindrop stepped forward and greeted Damen. “Queen Iceesofie has told me much about you. And you’ve come a long way haven’t you?” Said King Damen. “Oh, yes!” Raindrop replied. Iceesofie went over to Raindrop and said “Tell him what you did to save us.” Raindrop began to speak. “Well, I was on a long journey. My house crashed here after a big tornado in my home town. And, I managed to land directly on one of the wicked witches.” Everyone gasped. “But, that’s not where the story ends.” As Raindrop continued to speak everyone crowded around Oooing and Ahhing at how much she’s been through so bravely! At the end of the story Damen began to speak. “Raindrop, it seems to me you’ve been through a lot. And you would like to go back home, correct?” Damen Said. “Correct.” Raindrop replied. “But, before you leave, I want to make you the princess.” Everyone cheered as Damen placed a crown on her head. Everything was perfect well, almost perfect. “Oh, King Damen.” Said Raindrop. “Yes?” Damen replied. Raindrop whispered in her ear about her friends and, Damen nodded. “Come fourth friends of Raindrop.” Damen said. Jacks, Kricken, and Angi walked forward. “Raindrop told me you had some requests also?” Said Damen. The three friends nodded. Damen used his powers to grant Jacks out of his armor, Kricken back into her normal self. and gave Angi a pair of wings. “Thank you Raindrop!” They said. “Oh and don’t forget the slugs, they’re waiting outside for you.” Said Raindrop. “How could I forget?” Replied Damen.
Chapter 10
Coming home.
Coming home.
After a long night of feasting, uniting, and happiness. Raindrop had to leave the wonderful place. “I’m sorry, but, it’s for the best.” Raindrop said. Raindrop set her crown in her throne and, walked down to her friends. She hugged Kricken. “Oh, Kricken I remember when I met you. You were just a cat but, now look at you you’re just like us all! Tell your brother I said hi.” Raindrop said. Raindrop walked to Angi. “Angi, you were the first friend I met on this journey well, besides Mimi. But, we’ve had a lot of great times together and I’ll miss you.” The two friends hugged and Raindrop walked over to Jacks. “Jacks, I remember the first time I saw you with armor on. I was a bit frightened at first but, I learned how kind you could be. And now look! You got your armor off and you’re wearing new armor already.” Raindrop said. Then Raindrop walked over to Damen. “So, how do I get home?” Raindrop said. “Close your eyes and hold the pearl necklace.” Damen said. So, Raindrop did the same. She closed her eyes and held her pearl necklace close and she felt drifting, drifting, drifting……… Raindrop’s head began to hurt and she moaned. “Oh, Raindrop, it’ll be better soon.” Her mother said. Raindrop opened her eyes and saw her mother holding a cold compress on her head. Then she began to speak. She said. “I’m home! I’M HOME! Oh Mother I missed you!” Raindrop said. She hugged her Mother tight. “Whatever do you mean dear?” Her mother replied. “Nothing, it’s…….nothing” Raindrop said as she hugged her mother tight. Raindrop ran into the front yard seeing her friends outside waiting for her. “JACKS, KRICKEN, ANGI!” She yelled! All of the friends hugged but, Jacks, Kricken, and Angi had no idea why. That night they all stayed at Raindrops house for dinner as usual. But, after they left, Raindrop went to her bed room and opened her window. Sitting on it was a little snail. Raindrop smiled and went to bed.
The End.
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things
You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slips out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things
You never love yourself half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to
If I let you know, I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you oh
I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
Because it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you (all these little things)
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you, and all your little things
I'm in love with 1D and all Niall's little things
But bear this mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things
You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slips out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things
You never love yourself half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to
If I let you know, I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you oh
I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
Because it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you (all these little things)
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you, and all your little things





