Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
15th September 2014, 04:42 PM
Hello, everyone and I'm here to speak to all of you, wonderful members of the community about respect. We are good at showing a great deal of respect to our moderators and administrators.. and.. we show extreme respect when Damen is on, but who else should get respect?
Knights fight for oldcp. They defend the community. Without them, oldcp may have fallen into ruins long ago. They protect from BH, Iceghosts, and other evil forces. Knights don't get enough respect for their role here. Don't ignore a knight, disrespect a knight, or bully a knight. They have power in the DSGHQ community and are not to be joked about. Our knights on oldcp are better than many new club penguin armies. More respectful, more caring, and just more knights. So please, be loyal to all the knights.
Wise Counsellors
I know, they may not have a huge job on oldcp. But they should get a little more respect. They work hard, advising the lords and the ladies. Royal wise ones (like myself) do get somewhat respect. I ask for no more. But this conversation is about the wise ones who are not royal... yet. When I need advise, oldcp is the 4rd place I go... next to my parents, teacher, and 3 good friends. I come here because of all the nice people, who love to help me out. I owe a great deal of respect to those counsellors.
Wise Healers
Well, they already get a bunch of respect. I mean... who likes being revived by a healer after you die? Everyone on oldcp. But the not yet legendary healers should get a bit of respect too. Like I said with the Wise Counsellors.
Staff Members
Well, we all respect these guys. This is just a "shout out," to them. Their job isn't child's play. They work hard, watching to make sure up to 50 people at a time follow the rules. Sure, they get to walk on walls and get paid a bunch of gold each month. But, our moderators are extraordinarily good. There are not many areas where moderators get a bunch of respect, but they still deserve a little bit more all around.
New Penguins
New penguins are often ignored by many users. But there is a certain group of users who help those new users. If they no nothing and get no help, they will most likely leave. I know you, users of DSGHQ are better than that. So please, please, PLEASE, help those new users. Pay respect to everyone, no matter who they are. If you enjoyed this post, leave a like. If you didn't... haters gonna hate. Bye guys and have a nice day!
Certified Nick Foles Fan
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Seen 30th November 2021
15th September 2014, 05:10 PM
Each and every penguin deserves respect. They ALL play a roll and toll in the Damen Spike Games Hq. Every Penguin that is apart of the Empire or just a Regular penguin deserves respect. We all work hard for the Empire and we don't want to be bullied for it. We work hard and Respect Damen for his Work and time spending money payments for graphics and downloads. But I feel as if Knights don't get respect. Knights are picked and they spend and risk there penguin's LIFE for us. Each and every rank Penguin or regular Penguin will risk there life for us. We all deserve the respect we give to others and they deserve the respect they give us.
1,187 posts
Seen 7th November 2015
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Seen 6th January 2023
16th September 2014, 07:23 AM
Great job on your wise words Jacob. But we all agree to respect staffs, knights etc..
They do hard works. But sometimes users disrespect detectives. Many users disrespect me. But anyway, I will always respect to our lovely knights, wise counsellor, healers, new users and staffs. Good wise post and 100% true.
Good job
They do hard works. But sometimes users disrespect detectives. Many users disrespect me. But anyway, I will always respect to our lovely knights, wise counsellor, healers, new users and staffs. Good wise post and 100% true.
Good job
16th September 2014, 07:24 AM
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Every person should have respect even if they are good and bad. -Poptropica10
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Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
19th September 2014, 06:37 AM
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Every person should have respect even if they are good and bad. -Poptropica10
Not many people are with a rank... and they're praised once they are. I believe we all shall give respect to all users for a better experience. (400 posts! Woohoo!)