24th September 2014

Snaildom Beta Test

Made by ForumHelper in Applications

1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
24th September 2014, 09:37 AM

Name: Steven
Last: Not listed
Age: 13
Status: Master of the forums
Username: Tent/War4/ PoliceBob
Residence: Germany (this is helpful)
Email: [email protected]

Tell us about yourself!
Occupation: Serving the rank as a trusted user, and a Master towards the DSGHQR.
Gender: Male
Where do you use the Internet: Public and Home computers

Tell us what Computer you use!
I use a MAC, and I have had it for 5 months.
I live in a house, with good connection.

Alright so there are some stuff about myself, and my Computer.
Now let's get on with the Appliaction

My obligation:
My obligation it to use the game in it beta stage, looking for bugs, glitches, lag, and other hiccups that will disturb the game and its users. Will not give my beta testing status to people who try to buy it from me, or ask for it. I will also not give out picture without my administators permission.

Why I want to test this game:
I want to ensure that Snaildom will be hiccup free! I find myself with a obsession over snails due to me counting down the days on my calendar, and waking up saying "Snaildom!" "SNAILS"
I have in fact beta tested for the game PenguinIsles, a game that was only successful for 1 month.
Becuase of this it was shutdown, and that was the last of it.
Next is that I Love video games, especially ones where I get to be a creature that nobody would ever think of using. I also like online games so I can interact with users.

What I will look for:
Well, I will go ALL Around that map, doing all the dances, or positions the game throws at me. If there are characters, I would look for for when they talk, spelling errors, no grammar errors.
When I move around I will look for uneven patterns, or perhaps lag. I will try everything, test out if it lags. I will also try on any items if that is possible to see how they look on the snail, also checking if that would cause lag, or be uneven.

Things I will require:

Any experience with this?
Yes! I have Beta Tested with Damen on a game called PI ( PenguinIsles). I was a little young at that point of time, so I will be ready to step it up a notch.

Now last but not least, snails!
Did you know that in German, snicken means snail?!

~Eren Jaeger

+1 by Spongebob, Snev and eloise
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

649 posts
Seen 20th February 2016
24th September 2014, 09:50 AM

This Is Amazing Good Luck.

+1 by Snev

The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
24th September 2014, 09:58 AM

Good application.

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
372 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
24th September 2014, 11:24 AM

Hope you make it!
Good luck.

+1 by Spongebob

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