5th October 2014

Snaildom Moderator Application

Made by testsnail in Applications

5 posts
Seen 11th October 2014
5th October 2014, 12:44 AM

Basic Info:
Snaildom Name: test
Other aliases: Parker, Fugi7
Age: 17

-Created many cppses
-Helped operate and moderate some cppses
-Former moderator on another very popular forum
-Been in the online game community since 2007
-Been in the private server community since 2011

Why I Deserve to be a Moderator
Hello! To start off, my ingame name is test but if you know me, you know me by my most common aliases which are Parker, and Fugi7. So I think I deserve to be an in-game moderator for snaildom because of multiple reasons. For starters, I almost always have perfect grammar which will make the team look good where as for text talk(omg u n00b) doesn't. Second, I am 17 years old which means that I have matured by now. I will not make immature decisions or do immature things(that doesn't mean I won't have fun though :D). I will also act as if i'm just another ordinary user. What I mean by that is I won't ask for special treatment or anything like that just because I am a moderator. My next reason is that I do not have a lack of experience. I have been a moderator on both a forum and on many online games. I have created CPPSes(club penguin private servers) which is like a mock of club penguin but with your own features added in so I know the war an online game works. I have also moderated on many CPPSes including some with 10000+ users. I have also been a part of the CPPS community for just over 3 years and a part of the online games community since about 2007. If I missed anything else I will make a post to add it in later on.

What I Will Do
If I am selected to be a Snaildom moderator, I will enforce all of the rules. I will also try my best to make sure that all of the users are having the best possible experience that they can have in the game. I will answer any questions that any user has to ask. I will also represent Snaildom positively and in an appropriate manner. I will not break any of the rules ever.

This is why I think I deserve to be an in-game moderator for Snaildom. If you have any other questions to ask please feel free. Thank for for this opportunity and thank you for your time.

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
5th October 2014, 12:58 AM

Great application. Become member first. Then you will have a better chance.


100 posts
Seen 6th June 2015
5th October 2014, 01:35 AM

+10000 users >.> idk if I should believe you or not

Awesome signature by Courtney6/Madison


5 posts
Seen 11th October 2014
5th October 2014, 01:43 AM

+10000 users idk if I should believe you or not
The cpps community is growing more and more everyday. 10000 isn't even that much anymore compared to the bigger cppses

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