5th October 2014

Snaildom Moderator App

Made by Palpatine in Applications

479 posts
Seen 8th October 2022
5th October 2014, 11:31 AM

Hello, I wish to apply for Snaildom moderator. Here is my application, hope you all enjoy!

IGN: Palpatine

Skills: Excellent grammar, people person, I have programmed in my spare time, I am a moderator on several Minecraft servers, I was the original person who suggested Snail Races, because I thought it would be ironic.

Why I should be mod: I believe that I am capable of being mod. I know a lot of the secrets on Snaildom, and I have helped people with many problems along the way. There was even a time when somebody asked me to help them by taking their snail to get ores. I told him no, it is against the DSGHQ Rules.

What I would do as mod: I wouldn't just get mod and walk on walls. I would get mod, and every day that I can, I would be on, checking for rude snails, cussing, cheating, hacking, or anything of the sort.
I would check for glitches, bugs, and anything else wrong with Snaildom. Also, I would try to create a long lasting, forged relationship with the people who play Snaildom, because without them, Snaildom wouldn't be here.

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Thank you for reading my small little moderator application!

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