5th October 2014

Snaildom Mod App

Made by Team in Applications

queen of oopsie doopsies
374 posts
Seen 24th April 2022
5th October 2014, 12:30 PM

Hello, snails and penguins im TeamMaybe and I will be applying for Moderator on Snaildom! :)

Are you active? Yes, very active im on at LEAST 4 hours a day 6 on weekends!

Will you abuse your power? No, and I have no reason to for all Damen has done for me and everyone else who plays on Snaildom.

Will you be rude to other staff members? No I will not. I believe I should be nice to the staff members and everyone else!

Any experience? Yes, in fact I was a Mod for a week on another game about a year ago, and I was a knight in training with Livetodance and IndigoPalace who became Mods on Old Cp.

Why do you want this job? Well, I believe in helping penguins and making sure no one is cussing or bullying ect. I want Old Cp to be a fun and safe place!

Are you mature enough for Mod? Yes, indeed I am.

How old are you? My age is 11 and my birthday is May 28th

Do you know how to use your power? Yes, I hang in Town a lot and I have picked up a few things for example three kicks= ban three bans= Ip ban

How long have you been playing Old Cp? Well, since last January.

Whats your Username on Snaildom? TeamMaybe

Thank you for reading I am looking forward to want you think of my application. :)

+1 by TerryDJ and Bri
- Take this seriously -


what in the godamn
833 posts
Seen 21st March 2023
5th October 2014, 12:43 PM

Hello Team!

This is a great app, but you might want to edit. Your title is Snaildom mod app But at one point you say of "Oldcp and "Penguins". You could also add your age. But overall, great app. Good luck!


Hi I'm Maybe. I swim a lot. Then I eat a lot. then I sleep. then repeat.

Picture time :D!


http://prntscr.com/4hy23o [url=ht[im

Thank you so much Macyyy!

Thank ye Macyy!! Again! XD

I love swimming

Thank you,

queen of oopsie doopsies
374 posts
Seen 24th April 2022
5th October 2014, 01:59 PM

Okay, there I put my age

- Take this seriously -


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