30th October 2013

Quitting for real

Made by avax in Introductions and Leaving

3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
4th November 2013, 11:40 AM

Avax, maybe if you look at your studies then try to come on it could work. I know it is very hard to double task things like this. Life is going to throw stuff like this at you.. just take it and benefit from it. I don't want OldCP in the way of anyone's life. I want kids to grow up and go to college. I want kids to get a good paying job. I don't like seeing you guys go, but I know that most of you will be successful. Ava get back up in school. If you think you can come back please try!

I am in college, I can still play, but I do my homework too! There can be a way, Avax!

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