30th October 2013, 08:48 PM
At the end of the goodbye party for Hashir someone named HashirCP said can he be Hashir 2.0 the real Hashir said yes. We will all miss Hashir but we have a new one and we will always remember Hashir as one of the greatest mods ever!!!
Kricken Krickenator ItsKricken Subscribe to my channel!
30th October 2013, 08:49 PM
So is the new hashir a moderator?
Your friend,
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
Best friends
May23monthly and Sadie