25th October 2014

Popular People Talk..

Made by CoffeeCow in Wisdom

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
25th October 2014, 12:39 AM

Hello Everyone! CoffeeCow Here! :D

I decided that I will be making post every day or so about the problems that our world has...
I felt like doing this because I want to help others conquer or solute the problems they have. :)

Today's Talk...: Popular People Talk

Okay! Let's start off by saying, I am one of those shy girls at school. :P
If you went to my school, you may be saying, "What! You are usually weird and energetic. What are you talking about?"
Well, I try to conquer my shy problems..
I absolutely love making new friends. :)
In school, are you the kind of person who is worried to make every move because people will judge you? Well... I am that kind of person
In our school, it's really hard to be popular. You have to be pretty, smart (well... depends), and be perfect.
Let's just say, we have a social cast system in our school.... Really unfortunate.
Cast System:
1) The Popular of the Populars (Rich Clothes and Super Pretty)
2) The Other Popular but Not Really Popular (Addicted to their iPhones and ignores everyone)
3) The Semi Popular/Non-Popular (Nice to Everyone but too some people) I am in that list with my other friends
4) The Way Unpopular People (People with good grades and nice to everyone)
5) The Nerds and Intellectual Bad--- People (Super High Grades and Play Cards During Lunch with other people or sit alone during lunch)

I really dislike the fact my school is separated separated to groups. Okay... I admit it... I wanted to be a popular girl. I Almost Am. I'm close to #2 of the caste system.

About months ago, I realized "being popular is not everything.." I noticed that popular people do drugs, sexual stuff, and WAY worse stuff that cannot be posted here. I WILL NEVER DO THOSE STUFF AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE!

In 7th grade, I used to have a crush on a popular guy who was so hot. In science, there was this other popular girl who liked him too and sat next to me for a short period of time... The hot boy was waving and giving me heart signals across the room and I was flattered.... I used to tell my BFF's that happened to me. Until then... it was actually meant for the popular girl...

The next week or so, I sat almost right next to the hot guy. I thought it was going to get better until I made a big mistake.. I asked his Best Friend across from me "Hey! Does "guy" have a girlfriend. Please do not tell him.." And he told him... The hot guy replied back, "Ummm... Yeah.. In Holy Spirit."

The next day he asked me, "Lou (my nickname), Ashley (Fake Popular Girl Name) told me that you liked me." I wanted to choke her so bad. I wanted to tell him, "Oh! Ashley, didn't you like him too?" but I refused. I was all choked up and I couldn't speak.. I replied, "No."

I cried after school at the halls because it was the worst day... The hot guy that I loved, I embarrassed myself. :(

I got over him over the summer. To do that, whenever I saw him, I was cussing words in my mind.

During this year (8th grade), I embarrassed myself with a lot of popular people. They glare at me and I ignore them! :) Teachers like me because I'm energetic and a preppy girl, not only for my good grades. I try to show my school spirit and I noticed that I have a lot more friends than the previous years. I made over 10 new friends and they text me, call me, hang out with me, and smile with me. :D

The point is, being those popular people can hurt your feelings. It happens to most of you and I had to go through that situation. You are not alone! :)

And also, don't be afraid to show off your inner self. Do not pretend someone who you aren't! Believe me, your life will be easier. I LOVE MY LIFE. Be courageous and powerful! Don't be scared to join in a new club at school or an activity with the whole school during lunch. Volunteer in school to get in spirit.

Hope this helped you! :) If you need any help problems, please PM me. I would love to help you. I have gone with: embarrassments, relationships, suicide (almost committed..), and other problems.

<3 You! :D Please Spread The Word! Like and Comment :)


1,014 posts
Seen 13th November 2015
25th October 2014, 12:46 AM

This is what most teenagers need to realize.
Being popular doesn't mean everything. +1
You have just inspired me to make my own opinion series. Thank you
- Choc

+1 by Sealthedeal

My name is Choc. Just a person who likes Minecraft and MLG parodies.
I wish to become an animator one day.


always rekt the loominaty, even bill cipher. he's the main one.

1,248 posts
Seen 27th June 2022
25th October 2014, 02:21 AM

I'm a Sophie. I don't care what y'all think. I do my thing and don't give a crap.

+1 by Sealthedeal
Beautiful signatures made by the amazing Tasha v

This one's made by the incredible Sparklz

1,952 posts
Seen 6th January 2023
25th October 2014, 06:25 AM

I don't care if somebody is popular or I'm popular, I just be myself and act like a normal girl!

But teenagers are always like popular kids and stuff


686 posts
Seen 1st March 2016
25th October 2014, 07:43 AM

I really don't care if someone is popular.
Being yourself is the key to successful.
And being unique is something I believe every girl should be proud of.

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