30th October 2013
Canceled: CPPS VS Newcp.
Made by FashionistaThePositivePrincess in The Lounge
30th October 2013, 11:49 PM
I have canceled my daily show CPPS VS Newcp because I really cannot keep up with doing the same thing over and over again each day. I mean, nothing is really changing with NewCP, and the only cpps i can use is cpps.me. All the other cpps's DO NOT WORK ON MY LAPTOP! So this got me really frustrated, so I will cancel it. Well, I am doing a signature shop now, for free! I do logos and signatures. If you want a signature, tell me now, It only takes me a minute to make it.
Your friend,
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
Best friends
May23monthly and Sadie