21st December 2014

We are like Stars

Made by May23 in Wisdom

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
21st December 2014, 06:09 PM

Hello everyone,

Last night, well, this morning around 12:30 AM, I had a random rush of creativity. A random "scene" popped up into my head.

So, I would like to share it with you- I think it speaks some truth. I have added names for convenience.

This is completely made by me. Please do not use.

"You know... People are like stars." Thomas said, gazing up into the sky.

"How?" Questioned Maria, looking at him with an amused look in her eye.

"Because... You see, every star tries to outshine the others. But there are millions of them. They all look the same from down here. It is when you get closer, or look closer, perhaps, you can see their true radiance."

What does this mean? This little story here means that we, as humans, like to try to be better than others. People may look at us and see us as just another person- we are all the same, right? No. We are unique. But you must look closer, be closer, to notice that.

Thanks for reading,

~ May23

+1 by Brie Bella, Bailey, Haylee, dounia and 3 others

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
21st December 2014, 06:15 PM


When somedy born, a supernova is happening...



Sweet memories

269 posts
Seen 26th September 2015
21st December 2014, 08:38 PM

So beatiful! ;)

-Pink Pigeun- Everyone is awesome .. You have a face that you can put a smile on! :D Be Bold. Be Brave.

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