3rd November 2013

OldCP Rules Incase u forget.

Made by Gamer in Reports

2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
3rd November 2013, 02:22 PM

Hey Guys Shawn here and ive noticed some people arent following the rules now i am very ashamed even thaugh im not a moderator which i am trying to earn. Hashtags Behavior the team are gonna discuss about it hopefully tornado said.

Incase u forgot the rules here are the rules so u remember and follow them.


OldCP General Rules
- Do not use bad language.
- Do not spam.
- Respect everyone including staff members.
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff or members.

As this is a forum and not a chat room or game there are some extra additions to the rules when you are on this community board.

OldCP Forum Rules
- Do not spam.
- Do not double post.
- Do not make posts containing less than two words.
- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome'
- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.
- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.
- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...
- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.

Thank you, remember to follow these rules!

-Do not make any spam topics(e.g. Want to come online? or GIVE ME MOD).
-Don't entice other users into flaming you when you flame them. It makes you both as bad as each other.
-NO swearing, cussing, or cursing. There's kids on here!
-Have fun! What's the point on being here if you aren't having fun?
-No advertising in the forum, game, or chat(except for appropriate YouTube links).
-Double posting is okay, but triple posting isn't. So don't triple post(e.g. making 3 posts in a row without someone else posting).
-Do not make topics about other members in a negative way.

Game Rules:

-Don't swear, cuss, or curse.
-Listen to the staff members.
-Respect all of the staff member(s)' actions.
-Don't flame or spam.
-Have fun.
-Don't let other people bother you. Simply report/ignore them!
-NO bullying.
-Do not beg the staff members for higher ranks as this makes it harder for staff to do their job.
-Never threaten to hack anyone. You will be banned for trying to hack the person.

Well thanks for looking at the rules please remember to follow them and respect the game and dont cuss or curse or threaten to hack thank u! :D.

+1 by Cheep

1,509 posts
Seen 16th May 2015
3rd November 2013, 02:26 PM

People are disobeying the rules, but i don't see why you made this they won't even read this not to sound mean. But yes this is a very good post.

We are anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.

1,701 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
3rd November 2013, 02:28 PM

Haha I checked this was a copy of Damen's post xD

+1 by H3lper, -1 by Krickenn
Epic signature from thisismyname Cool signature from Cheep! Cool sig from Bella

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