31st December 2014

Respect and Opinions

Made by Diamonbreeze in Wisdom

392 posts
Seen 20th September 2015
31st December 2014, 05:14 PM

The 2 simplest and common things that everyone doesn't understand which are ''respect'' and opinion

Everyone deserves to be respected in the ways possible, even if it's someone very different. Being different is okay because it means that you're unique and have other ways of thinking. If you like people respecting you all the time, then why you don't do the same thing? And if you respect yourself, then you should be able to respect others. Because everyone is like a sponge, they'll give you the same reaction as you did to them! Including respecting everyone opinions and that's where most people fall to do.

Everyone has a different opinion because we all are different! You can't make them to change who they are because they're not you and you're not them. If everyone was the same person then life would be dull, silent and nothing good to do. Some others say '' I wish everyone was like me''. But you need to be careful with what you wish for because you might regret it and you will regret it. Life is okay the way it is and there's no need to change it. And everything is like Yin and Yang, because you can't one without the other. If there's a really nice person nearby then expect to be someone bad nearby also.

Let this be a lesson for everyone about respect and opinions, because those 2 are the simplest and most common mistakes that us humans make in life. I hope this make you realize more and if you made already a mistake then fix it before it comes back at you worse than before.

+1 by Snowtiger, Bailey, Fluffeh, leedle and 1 other
Don't let anyone bring you down ;)

power to the people
138 posts
Seen 11th March 2016
31st December 2014, 05:30 PM

Bravo! I totally agree. Now a-days people are getting into little disagreements that turn into big problems. We need world peace.

+1 by Diamonbreeze
black power

sane or insane
229 posts
Seen 27th February 2016
31st December 2014, 05:39 PM

People need to respect opinions. And each other. They get butthurt easily.

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