4th November 2013, 05:16 PM
As you can see on page 2 and 3 derrick had written down ingredients for chocolate cocaine.On page 3 it says they will be meeting on 12/10/13 to snort the cocaine at the pool and have tea party. Then on 12/14/13 They will be making nachos and have a party. on 12/19/13 They will be going to newcp to shift items so they can open a store on oldcp selling Daisy Duke bakinis. After doing all of this they will watch sled racing Monday. Im unable to decode the code but I have one of the gang members there name is Justin Beaver and he is saying that they will be meeting on monday to trade icecream sundays by a train filled with hostages that will be taken to cp and killed by Spike Hike. But what he didn't know is that I had stolen all the cocaine stuffed it in my 10.00 Daisy Dukes and gave it to all the hostages so they will have super strength and they will kill Mickey!