5th November 2013, 03:40 AM
Not alot of you know me but me and XxyoloxX just got married! I know not alot of you will come but we are hosting it at the Dojo! at 5:00 PM Tuesday November,11,13! Come if you want but it would be happier if you come! But i don't know if yolo is coming if you can get him plz do!
- Kricken!
- Kricken!
Kricken Krickenator ItsKricken Subscribe to my channel!
2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
5th November 2013, 04:14 AM
Thx Kara I hope you can make it i made it a 5 PM because i have school.
5th November 2013, 04:18 AM
Kara i'm going on vacation this weekend I can't play this because i'm going without my laptop cause
my mom doesn't want me to bring my laptop and even if i could bring my laptop i don't have internet everywhere.
so i'm doing it tommorow!
my mom doesn't want me to bring my laptop and even if i could bring my laptop i don't have internet everywhere.
so i'm doing it tommorow!
Kricken Krickenator ItsKricken Subscribe to my channel!
2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023