14th February 2015

When Opinions Must be Said

Made by May23 in Wisdom

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
14th February 2015, 07:50 PM

Greetings readers,
Many times in the past, people have rebuked the sentence, "Am I not allowed to state my opinion?" The answer to that dubious question is yes, you may.

Before I continue I would just like to state this discussion was not written after an argument of such demeanor. I was simply comprehending a topic to post, and this came to my mind.

Yes, you may say your opinions. I have seen many people complain about the fact that they get complaints themselves when they state their own opinions, or that they get in trouble for such actions. But, before ever speaking your mind, you should question yourself..

"Is this really worth clamoring about?"
"Will this hurt anyone's feelings?"
"What are the possible outcomes of my words?"
"Does this really need to be said, or can I just keep it to myself?"
"Should I say it, or would it be most wise to keep it inside?"

These questions are crucial, for not thinking it through may lead you straight into problems. You may have heard the statement, "Think before your speak." And that should apply here. Think before you type, or hit "post".

Another thing you must comprehend is how to write your opinion. There is a difference, and a great one at that. Flatly stating your opinion may be less time consuming for you, but many times just blurting it out can make you seem like a fool, or may get you into trouble for it's contents. If you want to write an opinion that will most likely be respected, try to write it well. Let us see some examples.

In my opinion, I think you should fix your grammar because it really sucks. Also, this post is pointless and stupid, it should be a mood.
In my personal opinion, I believe you should work on your grammar. I am not pushing you too, but your posts would be much more enjoyable to read. This post would also benefit you more in a mood. But, short posts are allowed so it is alright.

Which one is stated better, and less likely to offend someone? The second. You don't need to say this opinion at all, but as you can see, re-wording your opinions do make an impact at how they are looked at.

Overall, I believe that opinions can definitely be said. Though, it really depends on how you write it and express it. There is a difference between an opinion, and simply being rude. You should also think of the outcomes of what you may say, before posting. I believe everyone should follow the Golden Rule in every aspect- treat others how you would like to be treated. Respect others even though they may not respect you.

Thank you for taking the time to view my discussion, and I truly hope you discovered it to be somewhat useful to you.

Your DSGHQ Moderator,

~ May23

+1 by Jake01, mags, TwentyTwoPilots, Swirlie and 8 others

309 posts
Seen 31st July 2015
14th February 2015, 07:54 PM

Yep. Very hurtful opinions could sometime kill people too. +1

~Hatsune Miku! <3

This video explains my mood.

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
14th February 2015, 07:54 PM

Great. Just great. Now users would be more formal and kind whenever they
say a piece of their mind.

+1 by May23

night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th February 2015, 07:56 PM

I truly believe that if you want to share your opinion, you should share it in a nice way that could not offend other fellow users.

"If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all."

+1 for you, May! This is very wise.

and i was stressed out.
2,308 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
14th February 2015, 07:56 PM

Wow. Is all I can say 1+

+1 by May23
twenty one pilots is cool.

261 posts
Seen 19th March 2015
14th February 2015, 07:59 PM

Words kill no one; their actions do. So they don't like something you said and have been having a hard time, and they are the ones who kill themselves. Its the easy way out, and I'm against it. It shouldn't matter what the other person says, you should have enough endurance/maturity to do what's right. WHICH ISNT SUICIDE! I used to be suicidal, but I got out of it. If you're worried enough about someone's words that you'd end yourself over them, you just shouldn't be talking to people. And if they start a conversation with you, just ignore them; don't pay their words any mind. Its not impossible, but there's maturity that goes in with that as well. I know I can't talk about maturity, in no way can I judge those who are immature. But I do expect all of you to be better than me, cuz you are.

90 posts
Seen 24th April 2015
14th February 2015, 08:05 PM

Great for young kids to learn how to respect others using these forums.if this post existed in 2003 you couldve probably inspired multiple kids(including me) that use social media.

+1 by May23
I am a bit Dizzy...That's how i got my nickname!

1,106 posts
Seen 11th November 2015
14th February 2015, 08:09 PM

Yeah. A certain someone stated their rude opinions in my master post


Vampire Test from quizrocket.com!
Quizzes: Customer Engagement

total trash
3,372 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
14th February 2015, 08:46 PM

May, you are right. I am very thankful you posted this. +1

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
14th February 2015, 08:52 PM

Splendid post, May. I agree with you completely. You are certainly allowed to state your opinion, but it is a different story when you say it with maturity like you have shown us above. It causes less drama in this community, and it is just polite. I suggest that you all listen to what May is saying to you, because in this subject she is completely right. :)

+1 by May23 and trixie

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

The Legend
1,333 posts
Seen 10th September 2019
14th February 2015, 09:37 PM

Words of wisdom, this is a great post to teach young users how to respect each other o the forums

1,952 posts
Seen 6th January 2023
15th February 2015, 01:46 AM

Very great wise words May, and yes, sometimes opinions can affect someone. Very wise post but true in the sametime +1


The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th February 2015, 01:48 AM

Nice post... Uh, I 100% agree with you.

~Sir Jesse

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