1st March 2015, 09:49 AM
I know a lot of u believe herobrine is false but the truthis that he is real I am excited to say I actually met him day before yesterday on a default glitches minecraft game they tested and the truth was he could have actually became a character in minecraft but they decided not to make him so we never know they could change their mind
Thnx for reading
~OldCPHelper The ColeDude
Thnx for reading
~OldCPHelper The ColeDude
Hello Glad To See You And I Wish To See You On OldCP As A Friend Of Myne
90 posts
Seen 24th April 2015
1st March 2015, 06:17 PM
It's fake the rumour is fake.Notch even confirmed it all of the videos are photoshopped or it is another player who joined your game without you knowing((most commonly if you have a mod that hides usertags or you toggle it on Xbox360 PS3/4 or Xbox One)
Is this proof good enough for you?
Is this proof good enough for you?
I am a bit Dizzy...That's how i got my nickname!
Im awesome.
338 posts
Seen 12th March 2016