8th November 2013

The Noon News- New Shops.

Made by MickeyDean in Reports

38 posts
Seen 31st January 2016
8th November 2013, 05:05 PM

Hello! Topic: News at Noon.
There are new shops in OldCP. There is the Signature Shop and more.
But I am here to talk about the Signature Shop. The main owner is 0sKIPPY.
She gave Reese, my friend, his order. It's really cool! 0sKIPPY is a good designer! I think she get's the first order from Cootext.com, then 'ships' it to me or some other penguins. It's awesome!
More notes:
Mell stopped Federal Salesman Inc. and is now selling it. You can replace the name if you'd like. He is making a show called, Federal Ideas. It's ideas that penguins make up like Reeses' for example. He thought of making a Casino in a /jr room. It's really a good idea!
Mell may do a show with the Signature Shop... He said it sounds like a plan, Stan.
Last Notes:
There are more crimes in OldCP... One is this: Last night, there was a guy named, Iblounuxu123. He was murdering someone. Another guy tried to stop him, but he failed...
Well, the Noon News is done! BYE!!!!!!!!!

I am owner and news reporter for the Noon News...

18 posts
8th November 2013, 05:47 PM

Cool, Mickey! Is Dice ever coming back? I love him and I don't want anything to happen to him...

Dice it leaving, we never got to get married. :( :(

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