too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
1st April 2015, 06:32 AM
I see a lot of people saying that they are depressed and upset, I hate seeing people sad so I am making this post hoping that it will help at least one person!
I was depressed for 6+ years and just this year I have been getting a lot better, I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years! This may or may not help you ^^ I will probably update this a lot with more advice!!
I am ugly
I hear this a lot. Everyone has something about them that they do not like, some people hate the color of their eyes, some people hate their nose, some people dislike their whole face! Let me tell you something, looks mean absolutely NOTHING. When you are on your deathbed and looking back at your life, you'll probably be looking at those great memories you had with your friends, not how you looked when you had that pimple on your cheek. Someone is going to love you just for being you! Whether it's your boy/girlfriend, best friend, or family member. Also, chances are you think you're ugly, but you're actually not!
Always tell yourself that you are pretty or handsome. When you are looking in the mirror, look at what you love! Your nose, your ears, your freckles, anything, do not pay attention to what you hate. Never talk negatively about yourself, only say positive things! This will improve your mood a lot.
Your ears, mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and everything else is what makes you, YOU.
Thank you, LoveMinecraft for the image!
I am too fat/skinny
It does not matter if you look fat or skinny, it only matters about your health. You can be healthy, and look 'fat' or 'skinny'. But it DOES NOT matter. If you are big, you are beautiful!! If you are thin, you are beautiful!! I said this about looks, but even if you lose/gain weight, there will still be something you dislike about yourself, focus on what you love about your body, not what you hate.
You've probably heard this, but you are MUCH more than just a number. You have a personality, you have probably made someone laugh or smile! You are not just 'skinny' or 'fat' you are YOU, and that is amazing!
NEVER starve yourself, you can die from this!! It is better to have a bit of weight than to have none at all. If you really want to lose some weight, then consider changing your diet, or work out! Do not feel pressured to though.
NEVER eat a lot of junk food to gain weight! This is obviously very bad for you, instead try changing your diet!
You can still do amazing things regardless of what number is on the scale, you can draw, dance, laugh, love, live, and accomplish great things.
Go ahead and eat that donut! (Just don't have 10, that could cause some health problems!)
Being big is OKAY. It does NOT mean you are ugly!!!! Erase the idea that you can not be big and pretty at the same time! It is a lie!
I am not popular
Everyone has the same wish, to be remembered in some way.
You do not have to be popular to be happy in life! I guarantee that someone out there will remember you as the person who made their life a lot better. You don't need 1000s of people crowding you. The only thing you should care about is helping out and making people happy! Don't be afraid to try though, you can definitely be an actor/mod/singer/youtuber if you try hard enough! Just don't be sad if you fail!
You are going to make AT LEAST one person's life better in your lifetime, and that is the best thing in the world. Strive to make others happy! It is okay if you are not popular, there will be people that love you more than some girls love Zayn Malik!
I don't have a lot of friends / I have no friends
It is okay to not have friends, or only have 1 or 2 close friends. If you have no friends, don't be afraid to get out there and find someone with a similar interest to you! It might not work out, but you'll find a friend eventually. Just be yourself I'm always here to talk if you need a friend, we most likely have very different interests though!
If you have 1 or 2 close friends, remember that that is perfectly okay!! I find it better to have 1 or 2 friends, because it's easier to handle! If you want more, maybe ask your friends to introduce you to some of their friends? Also see "I am not popular" If you want friends just to be popular.
Someone is bullying me
Here are some ways to deal with a bully:
Ignore them - They could be trying to get a reaction out of you, don't give them what they want.
Be positive! - Twist their words and actions! Someone calls you Rudolph because you have a pimple on your nose? Great! You're the most popular reindeer of them all, you even have your own song! John pushes you down? Nice one John! That was a pretty strong push, maybe you could join the wrestling team? Have a great rest of your day!
Remember - They probably can't kill you! You are a lot stronger and better than bullies! You can withstand them, you can survive!
Tell someone - Tell someone you know can help, a friend, a family member, the teacher. Don't be embarrassed or shy!
Stand up for yourself - Tell them that you don't care how much they hurt you verbally/physically, it won't effect you at all. Tell them they are wasting their time.
Everyone hates me!
I am POSITIVE that everyone does NOT hate you! There is always going to be someone who does not like you, but it won't be everyone! There are always going to be people who believe in you and love you, you just have to find them and listen to them. If someone hates you, it's okay! They don't matter. They are wasting their time giving out negative energy.
I lost someone
You are bound to lose someone at some point in your life, whether its a break up, an ended friendship, a death, it's going to happen more than once. It happened for a reason, maybe that person was making you feel bad? Maybe you needed to move on? Maybe that person had done all they could in life? It is okay!! You will be fine, and eventually you will move on. Enjoy the good memories you've had with them! Don't be afraid to cry about it though.
STAY POSITIVE - Always try to look at the bright side! It may be hard at times. You got your favorite food for dinner? YAY Watched a funny video and laughed? That's great! Always focus on the things that make you happy! Even if they are small. If you focus on the bad things, you're just going to be sad.
Eliminate whatever is making you sad- If it is possible, get rid of what is making you sad. There was a time when I got extremely mad at a friend so I didn't talk to them for a week, that whole week I was miserable, I only got better once I started talking to them again.
Never say bad things about yourself - You are not self-conceited if you are confident, love yourself, you will be a lot happier! Just don't put others down to raise yourself up.
Remember- You are allowed to cry! It is human, cry it out! It will most likely make you feel better.
Cutting alternatives-
Draw on yourself! (You won't get ink poisoning unless you draw in an open wound. You'd have to swallow the ink from half a dozen pens to even feel a little sick)
Snap a rubber band on your wrist.
Hold ice in your hands, on your arm, or in your mouth.
Distract yourself Watch a youtube video, listen to music,draw something, take a bath (Make sure all harmful objects are out of your reach)
Reach out to someone who can help!! Talk to a friend, family member, or anyone that can help you!! If you don't have anyone, see below.
BLAHTHERAPY, A site where you can anonymously rant to people! You can also listen, and help the people who are ranting.
Get flattered (pop-up warning)
Calming sounds -
Need a hug?
If you are feeling down just click this, I can't explain it,but it helps so much. Everything that it says is ABSOLUTELY true
Rant, everything you say here will disappear, no one will see it. This is very helpful.
You are amazing and perfect! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially yourself. Remember that you are in this world for a reason. You can accomplish anything. You are a blessing to this world.
If you ever need somebody to rant to, my message box is open, I will try to give the best advice that I can, and I will always be there for you.
Also, it'd be great if some of you could put your own advice for people in the comments!! Tell me if I need to fix something in this too.
I was depressed for 6+ years and just this year I have been getting a lot better, I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years! This may or may not help you ^^ I will probably update this a lot with more advice!!
I am ugly
I hear this a lot. Everyone has something about them that they do not like, some people hate the color of their eyes, some people hate their nose, some people dislike their whole face! Let me tell you something, looks mean absolutely NOTHING. When you are on your deathbed and looking back at your life, you'll probably be looking at those great memories you had with your friends, not how you looked when you had that pimple on your cheek. Someone is going to love you just for being you! Whether it's your boy/girlfriend, best friend, or family member. Also, chances are you think you're ugly, but you're actually not!
Always tell yourself that you are pretty or handsome. When you are looking in the mirror, look at what you love! Your nose, your ears, your freckles, anything, do not pay attention to what you hate. Never talk negatively about yourself, only say positive things! This will improve your mood a lot.
Your ears, mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and everything else is what makes you, YOU.
Thank you, LoveMinecraft for the image!
I am too fat/skinny
It does not matter if you look fat or skinny, it only matters about your health. You can be healthy, and look 'fat' or 'skinny'. But it DOES NOT matter. If you are big, you are beautiful!! If you are thin, you are beautiful!! I said this about looks, but even if you lose/gain weight, there will still be something you dislike about yourself, focus on what you love about your body, not what you hate.
You've probably heard this, but you are MUCH more than just a number. You have a personality, you have probably made someone laugh or smile! You are not just 'skinny' or 'fat' you are YOU, and that is amazing!
NEVER starve yourself, you can die from this!! It is better to have a bit of weight than to have none at all. If you really want to lose some weight, then consider changing your diet, or work out! Do not feel pressured to though.
NEVER eat a lot of junk food to gain weight! This is obviously very bad for you, instead try changing your diet!
You can still do amazing things regardless of what number is on the scale, you can draw, dance, laugh, love, live, and accomplish great things.
Go ahead and eat that donut! (Just don't have 10, that could cause some health problems!)
Being big is OKAY. It does NOT mean you are ugly!!!! Erase the idea that you can not be big and pretty at the same time! It is a lie!
I am not popular
Everyone has the same wish, to be remembered in some way.
You do not have to be popular to be happy in life! I guarantee that someone out there will remember you as the person who made their life a lot better. You don't need 1000s of people crowding you. The only thing you should care about is helping out and making people happy! Don't be afraid to try though, you can definitely be an actor/mod/singer/youtuber if you try hard enough! Just don't be sad if you fail!
You are going to make AT LEAST one person's life better in your lifetime, and that is the best thing in the world. Strive to make others happy! It is okay if you are not popular, there will be people that love you more than some girls love Zayn Malik!
I don't have a lot of friends / I have no friends
It is okay to not have friends, or only have 1 or 2 close friends. If you have no friends, don't be afraid to get out there and find someone with a similar interest to you! It might not work out, but you'll find a friend eventually. Just be yourself I'm always here to talk if you need a friend, we most likely have very different interests though!
If you have 1 or 2 close friends, remember that that is perfectly okay!! I find it better to have 1 or 2 friends, because it's easier to handle! If you want more, maybe ask your friends to introduce you to some of their friends? Also see "I am not popular" If you want friends just to be popular.
Someone is bullying me
Here are some ways to deal with a bully:
Ignore them - They could be trying to get a reaction out of you, don't give them what they want.
Be positive! - Twist their words and actions! Someone calls you Rudolph because you have a pimple on your nose? Great! You're the most popular reindeer of them all, you even have your own song! John pushes you down? Nice one John! That was a pretty strong push, maybe you could join the wrestling team? Have a great rest of your day!
Remember - They probably can't kill you! You are a lot stronger and better than bullies! You can withstand them, you can survive!
Tell someone - Tell someone you know can help, a friend, a family member, the teacher. Don't be embarrassed or shy!
Stand up for yourself - Tell them that you don't care how much they hurt you verbally/physically, it won't effect you at all. Tell them they are wasting their time.
Everyone hates me!
I am POSITIVE that everyone does NOT hate you! There is always going to be someone who does not like you, but it won't be everyone! There are always going to be people who believe in you and love you, you just have to find them and listen to them. If someone hates you, it's okay! They don't matter. They are wasting their time giving out negative energy.
I lost someone
You are bound to lose someone at some point in your life, whether its a break up, an ended friendship, a death, it's going to happen more than once. It happened for a reason, maybe that person was making you feel bad? Maybe you needed to move on? Maybe that person had done all they could in life? It is okay!! You will be fine, and eventually you will move on. Enjoy the good memories you've had with them! Don't be afraid to cry about it though.
STAY POSITIVE - Always try to look at the bright side! It may be hard at times. You got your favorite food for dinner? YAY Watched a funny video and laughed? That's great! Always focus on the things that make you happy! Even if they are small. If you focus on the bad things, you're just going to be sad.
Eliminate whatever is making you sad- If it is possible, get rid of what is making you sad. There was a time when I got extremely mad at a friend so I didn't talk to them for a week, that whole week I was miserable, I only got better once I started talking to them again.
Never say bad things about yourself - You are not self-conceited if you are confident, love yourself, you will be a lot happier! Just don't put others down to raise yourself up.
Remember- You are allowed to cry! It is human, cry it out! It will most likely make you feel better.
Cutting alternatives-
Draw on yourself! (You won't get ink poisoning unless you draw in an open wound. You'd have to swallow the ink from half a dozen pens to even feel a little sick)
Snap a rubber band on your wrist.
Hold ice in your hands, on your arm, or in your mouth.
Distract yourself Watch a youtube video, listen to music,draw something, take a bath (Make sure all harmful objects are out of your reach)
Reach out to someone who can help!! Talk to a friend, family member, or anyone that can help you!! If you don't have anyone, see below.
BLAHTHERAPY, A site where you can anonymously rant to people! You can also listen, and help the people who are ranting.
Get flattered (pop-up warning)
Calming sounds -
Need a hug?
If you are feeling down just click this, I can't explain it,but it helps so much. Everything that it says is ABSOLUTELY true
Rant, everything you say here will disappear, no one will see it. This is very helpful.
You are amazing and perfect! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially yourself. Remember that you are in this world for a reason. You can accomplish anything. You are a blessing to this world.
If you ever need somebody to rant to, my message box is open, I will try to give the best advice that I can, and I will always be there for you.
Also, it'd be great if some of you could put your own advice for people in the comments!! Tell me if I need to fix something in this too.
1st April 2015, 08:28 PM
This does make me feel better because I once thought of suicide at a young age :'( it was because my grandpa died... This could help other users with there bullying problems even people in the world that don't play these games if only all the people could see this.
You are a nice person
You are a nice person
too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
1st April 2015, 09:23 PM
Skittles4me2 wrote on 1st April 2015 08:28 PM:
This does make me feel better because I once thought of suicide at a young age :'( it was because my grandpa died... This could help other users with there bullying problems even people in the world that don't play these games if only all the people could see this.
You are a nice person
You are a nice person
I wish everyone could see it too, I really want everyone to just be happy and never have to think about hurting themselves
1st April 2015, 09:29 PM
Same everyone on Forums could read this and think geez she is a really nice,confident person and they would read this and they would think over what they did and be happy
too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
1st April 2015, 09:48 PM
Skittles4me2 wrote on 1st April 2015 09:29 PM:
Same everyone on Forums could read this and think geez she is a really nice,confident person and they would read this and they would think over what they did and be happy
too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
15th April 2015, 05:52 PM
LoveMincraft wrote on 15th April 2015 05:51 PM:
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
Just a fnaf lover!! :)
1,663 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
15th April 2015, 05:55 PM
Chrys wrote on 15th April 2015 05:52 PM:
LoveMincraft said on 15th April 2015 05:51 PM:
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
NAHH- Oh wait enjoy this Edited Animation I made and a Lag Seizure if you have a bad computer like me!:
Just a fnaf lover!! :)
1,663 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
15th April 2015, 06:05 PM
Chrys wrote on 15th April 2015 05:52 PM:
LoveMincraft said on 15th April 2015 05:51 PM:
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
NAHH- Oh wait enjoy this Edited Animation I made and a Lag Seizure if you have a bad computer like me!:
too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
15th April 2015, 06:06 PM
LoveMincraft wrote on 15th April 2015 06:05 PM:
Chrys said on 15th April 2015 05:52 PM:
LoveMincraft said on 15th April 2015 05:51 PM:
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
Heres another I made
LoveMincraft said on 15th April 2015 05:51 PM:
Some Images
I love it! Do you mind if I add the picture to the post?
Heres another I made
it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
15th April 2015, 06:11 PM
Chrys wrote on 1st April 2015 06:32 AM:
I see a lot of people saying that they are depressed and upset, I hate seeing people sad so I am making this post hoping that it will help at least one person!
I was depressed for 6+ years and just this year I have been getting a lot better, I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years! This may or may not help you ^^ I will probably update this a lot with more advice!!
I am ugly
I hear this a lot. Everyone has something about them that they do not like, some people hate the color of their eyes, some people hate their nose, some people dislike their whole face! Let me tell you something, looks mean absolutely NOTHING. When you are on your deathbed and looking back at your life, you'll probably be looking at those great memories you had with your friends, not how you looked when you had that pimple on your cheek. Someone is going to love you just for being you! Whether it's your boy/girlfriend, best friend, or family member. Also, chances are you think you're ugly, but you're actually not!
Always tell yourself that you are pretty or handsome. When you are looking in the mirror, look at what you love! Your nose, your ears, your freckles, anything, do not pay attention to what you hate. Never talk negatively about yourself, only say positive things! This will improve your mood a lot.
Your ears, mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and everything else is what makes you, YOU.
Thank you, LoveMinecraft for the image!
I am too fat/skinny
It does not matter if you look fat or skinny, it only matters about your health. You can be healthy, and look 'fat' or 'skinny'. But it DOES NOT matter. If you are big, you are beautiful!! If you are thin, you are beautiful!! I said this about looks, but even if you lose/gain weight, there will still be something you dislike about yourself, focus on what you love about your body, not what you hate.
You've probably heard this, but you are MUCH more than just a number. You have a personality, you have probably made someone laugh or smile! You are not just 'skinny' or 'fat' you are YOU, and that is amazing!
NEVER starve yourself, you can die from this!! It is better to have a bit of weight than to have none at all. If you really want to lose some weight, then consider changing your diet, or work out! Do not feel pressured to though.
NEVER eat a lot of junk food to gain weight! This is obviously very bad for you, instead try changing your diet!
You can still do amazing things regardless of what number is on the scale, you can draw, dance, laugh, love, live, and accomplish great things.
Go ahead and eat that donut! (Just don't have 10, that could cause some health problems!)
Being big is OKAY. It does NOT mean you are ugly!!!! Erase the idea that you can not be big and pretty at the same time! It is a lie!
I am not popular
Everyone has the same wish, to be remembered in some way.
You do not have to be popular to be happy in life! I guarantee that someone out there will remember you as the person who made their life a lot better. You don't need 1000s of people crowding you. The only thing you should care about is helping out and making people happy! Don't be afraid to try though, you can definitely be an actor/mod/singer/youtuber if you try hard enough! Just don't be sad if you fail!
You are going to make AT LEAST one person's life better in your lifetime, and that is the best thing in the world. Strive to make others happy! It is okay if you are not popular, there will be people that love you more than some girls love Zayn Malik!
I don't have a lot of friends / I have no friends
It is okay to not have friends, or only have 1 or 2 close friends. If you have no friends, don't be afraid to get out there and find someone with a similar interest to you! It might not work out, but you'll find a friend eventually. Just be yourself I'm always here to talk if you need a friend, we most likely have very different interests though!
If you have 1 or 2 close friends, remember that that is perfectly okay!! I find it better to have 1 or 2 friends, because it's easier to handle! If you want more, maybe ask your friends to introduce you to some of their friends? Also see "I am not popular" If you want friends just to be popular.
Someone is bullying me
Here are some ways to deal with a bully:
Ignore them - They could be trying to get a reaction out of you, don't give them what they want.
Be positive! - Twist their words and actions! Someone calls you Rudolph because you have a pimple on your nose? Great! You're the most popular reindeer of them all, you even have your own song! John pushes you down? Nice one John! That was a pretty strong push, maybe you could join the wrestling team? Have a great rest of your day!
Remember - They probably can't kill you! You are a lot stronger and better than bullies! You can withstand them, you can survive!
Tell someone - Tell someone you know can help, a friend, a family member, the teacher. Don't be embarrassed or shy!
Stand up for yourself - Tell them that you don't care how much they hurt you verbally/physically, it won't effect you at all. Tell them they are wasting their time.
Everyone hates me!
I am POSITIVE that everyone does NOT hate you! There is always going to be someone who does not like you, but it won't be everyone! There are always going to be people who believe in you and love you, you just have to find them and listen to them. If someone hates you, it's okay! They don't matter. They are wasting their time giving out negative energy.
I lost someone
You are bound to lose someone at some point in your life, whether its a break up, an ended friendship, a death, it's going to happen more than once. It happened for a reason, maybe that person was making you feel bad? Maybe you needed to move on? Maybe that person had done all they could in life? It is okay!! You will be fine, and eventually you will move on. Enjoy the good memories you've had with them! Don't be afraid to cry about it though.
STAY POSITIVE - Always try to look at the bright side! It may be hard at times. You got your favorite food for dinner? YAY Watched a funny video and laughed? That's great! Always focus on the things that make you happy! Even if they are small. If you focus on the bad things, you're just going to be sad.
Eliminate whatever is making you sad- If it is possible, get rid of what is making you sad. There was a time when I got extremely mad at a friend so I didn't talk to them for a week, that whole week I was miserable, I only got better once I started talking to them again.
Never say bad things about yourself - You are not self-conceited if you are confident, love yourself, you will be a lot happier! Just don't put others down to raise yourself up.
Remember- You are allowed to cry! It is human, cry it out! It will most likely make you feel better.
Cutting alternatives-
Draw on yourself! (You won't get ink poisoning unless you draw in an open wound. You'd have to swallow the ink from half a dozen pens to even feel a little sick)
Snap a rubber band on your wrist.
Hold ice in your hands, on your arm, or in your mouth.
Distract yourself Watch a youtube video, listen to music,draw something, take a bath (Make sure all harmful objects are out of your reach)
Reach out to someone who can help!! Talk to a friend, family member, or anyone that can help you!! If you don't have anyone, see below.
BLAHTHERAPY, A site where you can anonymously rant to people! You can also listen, and help the people who are ranting.
Get flattered (pop-up warning)
Calming sounds -
Need a hug?
If you are feeling down just click this, I can't explain it,but it helps so much. Everything that it says is ABSOLUTELY true
Rant, everything you say here will disappear, no one will see it. This is very helpful.
You are amazing and perfect! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially yourself. Remember that you are in this world for a reason. You can accomplish anything. You are a blessing to this world.
If you ever need somebody to rant to, my message box is open, I will try to give the best advice that I can, and I will always be there for you.
Also, it'd be great if some of you could put your own advice for people in the comments!! Tell me if I need to fix something in this too.
I was depressed for 6+ years and just this year I have been getting a lot better, I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years! This may or may not help you ^^ I will probably update this a lot with more advice!!
I am ugly
I hear this a lot. Everyone has something about them that they do not like, some people hate the color of their eyes, some people hate their nose, some people dislike their whole face! Let me tell you something, looks mean absolutely NOTHING. When you are on your deathbed and looking back at your life, you'll probably be looking at those great memories you had with your friends, not how you looked when you had that pimple on your cheek. Someone is going to love you just for being you! Whether it's your boy/girlfriend, best friend, or family member. Also, chances are you think you're ugly, but you're actually not!
Always tell yourself that you are pretty or handsome. When you are looking in the mirror, look at what you love! Your nose, your ears, your freckles, anything, do not pay attention to what you hate. Never talk negatively about yourself, only say positive things! This will improve your mood a lot.
Your ears, mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and everything else is what makes you, YOU.
Thank you, LoveMinecraft for the image!
I am too fat/skinny
It does not matter if you look fat or skinny, it only matters about your health. You can be healthy, and look 'fat' or 'skinny'. But it DOES NOT matter. If you are big, you are beautiful!! If you are thin, you are beautiful!! I said this about looks, but even if you lose/gain weight, there will still be something you dislike about yourself, focus on what you love about your body, not what you hate.
You've probably heard this, but you are MUCH more than just a number. You have a personality, you have probably made someone laugh or smile! You are not just 'skinny' or 'fat' you are YOU, and that is amazing!
NEVER starve yourself, you can die from this!! It is better to have a bit of weight than to have none at all. If you really want to lose some weight, then consider changing your diet, or work out! Do not feel pressured to though.
NEVER eat a lot of junk food to gain weight! This is obviously very bad for you, instead try changing your diet!
You can still do amazing things regardless of what number is on the scale, you can draw, dance, laugh, love, live, and accomplish great things.
Go ahead and eat that donut! (Just don't have 10, that could cause some health problems!)
Being big is OKAY. It does NOT mean you are ugly!!!! Erase the idea that you can not be big and pretty at the same time! It is a lie!
I am not popular
Everyone has the same wish, to be remembered in some way.
You do not have to be popular to be happy in life! I guarantee that someone out there will remember you as the person who made their life a lot better. You don't need 1000s of people crowding you. The only thing you should care about is helping out and making people happy! Don't be afraid to try though, you can definitely be an actor/mod/singer/youtuber if you try hard enough! Just don't be sad if you fail!
You are going to make AT LEAST one person's life better in your lifetime, and that is the best thing in the world. Strive to make others happy! It is okay if you are not popular, there will be people that love you more than some girls love Zayn Malik!
I don't have a lot of friends / I have no friends
It is okay to not have friends, or only have 1 or 2 close friends. If you have no friends, don't be afraid to get out there and find someone with a similar interest to you! It might not work out, but you'll find a friend eventually. Just be yourself I'm always here to talk if you need a friend, we most likely have very different interests though!
If you have 1 or 2 close friends, remember that that is perfectly okay!! I find it better to have 1 or 2 friends, because it's easier to handle! If you want more, maybe ask your friends to introduce you to some of their friends? Also see "I am not popular" If you want friends just to be popular.
Someone is bullying me
Here are some ways to deal with a bully:
Ignore them - They could be trying to get a reaction out of you, don't give them what they want.
Be positive! - Twist their words and actions! Someone calls you Rudolph because you have a pimple on your nose? Great! You're the most popular reindeer of them all, you even have your own song! John pushes you down? Nice one John! That was a pretty strong push, maybe you could join the wrestling team? Have a great rest of your day!
Remember - They probably can't kill you! You are a lot stronger and better than bullies! You can withstand them, you can survive!
Tell someone - Tell someone you know can help, a friend, a family member, the teacher. Don't be embarrassed or shy!
Stand up for yourself - Tell them that you don't care how much they hurt you verbally/physically, it won't effect you at all. Tell them they are wasting their time.
Everyone hates me!
I am POSITIVE that everyone does NOT hate you! There is always going to be someone who does not like you, but it won't be everyone! There are always going to be people who believe in you and love you, you just have to find them and listen to them. If someone hates you, it's okay! They don't matter. They are wasting their time giving out negative energy.
I lost someone
You are bound to lose someone at some point in your life, whether its a break up, an ended friendship, a death, it's going to happen more than once. It happened for a reason, maybe that person was making you feel bad? Maybe you needed to move on? Maybe that person had done all they could in life? It is okay!! You will be fine, and eventually you will move on. Enjoy the good memories you've had with them! Don't be afraid to cry about it though.
STAY POSITIVE - Always try to look at the bright side! It may be hard at times. You got your favorite food for dinner? YAY Watched a funny video and laughed? That's great! Always focus on the things that make you happy! Even if they are small. If you focus on the bad things, you're just going to be sad.
Eliminate whatever is making you sad- If it is possible, get rid of what is making you sad. There was a time when I got extremely mad at a friend so I didn't talk to them for a week, that whole week I was miserable, I only got better once I started talking to them again.
Never say bad things about yourself - You are not self-conceited if you are confident, love yourself, you will be a lot happier! Just don't put others down to raise yourself up.
Remember- You are allowed to cry! It is human, cry it out! It will most likely make you feel better.
Cutting alternatives-
Draw on yourself! (You won't get ink poisoning unless you draw in an open wound. You'd have to swallow the ink from half a dozen pens to even feel a little sick)
Snap a rubber band on your wrist.
Hold ice in your hands, on your arm, or in your mouth.
Distract yourself Watch a youtube video, listen to music,draw something, take a bath (Make sure all harmful objects are out of your reach)
Reach out to someone who can help!! Talk to a friend, family member, or anyone that can help you!! If you don't have anyone, see below.
BLAHTHERAPY, A site where you can anonymously rant to people! You can also listen, and help the people who are ranting.
Get flattered (pop-up warning)
Calming sounds -
Need a hug?
If you are feeling down just click this, I can't explain it,but it helps so much. Everything that it says is ABSOLUTELY true
Rant, everything you say here will disappear, no one will see it. This is very helpful.
You are amazing and perfect! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially yourself. Remember that you are in this world for a reason. You can accomplish anything. You are a blessing to this world.
If you ever need somebody to rant to, my message box is open, I will try to give the best advice that I can, and I will always be there for you.
Also, it'd be great if some of you could put your own advice for people in the comments!! Tell me if I need to fix something in this too.
Nice post, really good post, I think many people aren't really depressed, depression is a long time of sadness and sadness is just sadness.
Sweet memories
Sweet memories