9th November 2013, 01:52 PM
some people might have some problems because they don't know where to go but here are some ways to stop it
1.say stop
2.run away
3. if this doesn't work contact a mod or users for help
4. hope this helps
1.say stop
2.run away
3. if this doesn't work contact a mod or users for help
4. hope this helps
<a href="http://cooltext.com"><img src="http://images.cooltext.com/3422896.png" width="290" height="117" alt="gily03" /></a>
Image by <a href="http://cooltext.com">Cool Text: Free Logos and Buttons</a> - <a href="http://cooltext.com/Logo-Design?LogoID=923183223">Create An Image Just Like This</a>
Image by <a href="http://cooltext.com">Cool Text: Free Logos and Buttons</a> - <a href="http://cooltext.com/Logo-Design?LogoID=923183223">Create An Image Just Like This</a>
9th November 2013, 03:55 PM
Cyber bullying is very bad!! It can happen any where or to anyone even on OldCp!! I hate it cause it makes sometimes people go Krazy with a K!! Sometimes if it keep happening and they don't tell anyone.......sometimes they comment suicide!! It's very said over 30 people committed suicide because of cyber bullying this year!! It's very said people need to stop please people speak up tell the bully to stop. Ignore at least or do anything that you think might help you with you're situation!! It's not kewl if my friends do it and I see I tell them to stop!! Immediately and you should too!! Just I hate it just please stop the cyber bullying guys it's not kewl at all!! Stop for the crises of Lord!!....just......stop