10th November 2013, 08:54 AM
you know my picture
Blizzard is Puffle but...
Do you think That Camera Guy's Real?
Actually He is Look
We Were Looking For Each Other!
Waddle On!
Your Friendly News ReporterSome People I am A Drama Queen
Blizzard is Puffle but...
Do you think That Camera Guy's Real?
Actually He is Look
We Were Looking For Each Other!
Waddle On!
Your Friendly News Reporter
Declan - Quit
2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
10th November 2013, 08:57 AM
It's a great picture Declan! Was it just a coincidence that Cameraman was real, or did you already know each other? Have a nice day -Archie
Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!
10th November 2013, 10:18 AM
Blizzard My puffle is very Talented,funny,cute and lots!
Declan - Quit