22nd May 2015

How To Deal With Bullies

Made by Amandapink30 in Wisdom

2,109 posts
Seen 9th November 2015
22nd May 2015, 01:20 PM

Hi. Lately I've been seeing posts about people getting hurt by bullies, both physically and emotionally. Want to learn how to deal with bullied the right way? You've come to the right discussion. Just one thing you should know: Do NOT ever lash back at them, it only makes the situation worse.

Step 1
Imagine you're at school in the hallway, switching for class. You see your friend, Bob, hanging out with the bully, Sasha. You get upset, and want to give Sasha a piece of your mind. Well, DON'T. It's fine if Bob is hanging out with the bully, maybe he wants some time without you for a day or so. That's perfectly fine! But then you see the bully come over to you and slams the books out of your hands. You get very angry. Then she says, "Oops! You dropped your books! What a jerk!" And everybody laughs at you. Well, that's not OK. Here's what you should do. "Sasha, please don't do that in the future. I just want to get to my class without any interruptions, okay?" And you should smile and walk away.

Step 2
You enter your math class. You see the bully sit next to you and she passes a note to you. You don't want to get in trouble, but you read the note. It says, "Fatty. Meet me after lunch at the fitness equipment, and watch me beat your face. - Sasha." You look up and notice the teacher, Mr. Joe, staring at you. "Are you passing notes in class?" he asks. "Yes," says Sasha. "No!" you say, "Sasha gave me a threat!" But you get in trouble anyways. Well, it's still the bully's fault, just don't get super angry. Just tell Sasha later on that she shouldn't be such a bully anymore, and that she should leave you alone.

Step 3
You're at recess. You don't want to "get your face beaten", but you're outside anyways. "Time to beat you up for all the things you did to me," says Sasha. You shake your head. "Listen, Sasha. You've been rude to me lately, and I dislike it. Please stop, you're hurting me. What if I did this to you? You'd be pretty upset. After school, I'm telling the counselor that you've been mean to me. And, next time, don't threaten me, insult me, or anything else! I don't like it, okay?" And you walk away.

If you do these things in school, you'll probably have a big success with not getting bullied anymore. Use these steps in real life, and see where that gets you.


+1 by Swirlie, Queenblue, Alea and Elite

Train! #train
Thank you! I love it, Allie!
This is beautiful, Foxehhhh!
Another amazing signature from Black and White!
How can I thank you enough, Black and White?
Thanks a lot, Lemmy!
Thank you very much, Lily1117!
Thanks, Carly!
Thank you, Milkshake8!
Thanks so much, Box Head Emoji!

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Be yourself, because nobody's perfect. :)
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night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd May 2015, 01:48 PM

I love the creativity and help in this, it makes it more fun to read. I enjoyed this very much.

+1 for you!

+1 by Amandapink30 and Alea

do you feel like a young god
2,287 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
22nd May 2015, 04:17 PM

Wow. This post is more than splendid. It's just amazing! I wouldn't suggest trying to get back either. I'd act nice, be clam, and just move on with my day and won't let that idiot ruin my day.

- Former OldCP Moderator - Former Drejk DSGHQ Moderator - Former Forum Master - Former XAT Member - Current Forum Moderator - Kacket House Guard -

The Legend
1,333 posts
Seen 10th September 2019
22nd May 2015, 06:04 PM

Wonderful advice, I bet this will help a lot of users in the future

1,652 posts
Seen 30th July 2022
22nd May 2015, 09:10 PM

I completely love you for making this post ^-^

This community especially needs it. I love that you put effort into this! :)

1,763 posts
Seen 11th March 2023
22nd May 2015, 10:07 PM

Ok, so a girl in my class, Georgia, and I have a best friend in my class, Kaylyn (kay-linn). Georgia thinks Kaylyn is always hers to play with. So one day at lunch I asked Kaylyn if she wanted to play Wall Ball at recess with me, Insaf, Reese and Danielle. She agreed to, and Georgia was at another table staring at us. The lunch monitor told Kaylyn and I's table to go outside for recess.
Kaylyn and I put our books on a wall with out lunchbox. We ran over to the larger wall to play Wall Ball. Georgia sat on the smaller wall and watched Kaylyn and I. She walked up to me and Kaylyn and said "Maggie, I'm telling on you because Kaylyn is my best friend!" She just STORMED OFF AND TOLD THE LUNCH MONITOR ON ME! D: Then after Georgia told on us, she sat down and I said her lick her fingers and rub her fingers all over her cheeks and around her eyes. Then she put a bunch of dirt on her face and buried her face in her knees. My friend Abby walked over to Georgia and I RAN STRAIGHT OVER TO ABBY AND SAID "Don't or you're gonna get Kaylyn and I in more trouble. Please, Abby, I'm begging you." So then Abby said "Why?" Then I explained the whole fake crying thing. So Abby walked away and Mrs. F (the lunch monitor Georgia told on us) just got Kaylyn, Abby, and I in trouble after talking with Georgia. The next recess we had to run 20 laps around the track (and the track is huge)! But it was a good workout for me since I'm trying to excersize more.

Sum up of Georgia:
A liar.

+1 by Alea

57 posts
Seen 28th May 2015
23rd May 2015, 02:03 AM

this should help out a lot nice post.

Lets rock!

394 posts
Seen 21st February 2022
27th July 2020, 09:22 PM

Maggie wrote on 22nd May 2015, 10:07 PM:
Ok, so a girl in my class, Georgia, and I have a best friend in my class, Kaylyn (kay-linn). Georgia thinks Kaylyn is always hers to play with. So one day at lunch I asked Kaylyn if she wanted to play Wall Ball at recess with me, Insaf, Reese and Danielle. She agreed to, and Georgia was at another table staring at us. The lunch monitor told Kaylyn and I's table to go outside for recess.
Kaylyn and I put our books on a wall with out lunchbox. We ran over to the larger wall to play Wall Ball. Georgia sat on the smaller wall and watched Kaylyn and I. She walked up to me and Kaylyn and said "Maggie, I'm telling on you because Kaylyn is my best friend!" She just STORMED OFF AND TOLD THE LUNCH MONITOR ON ME! Then after Georgia told on us, she sat down and I said her lick her fingers and rub her fingers all over her cheeks and around her eyes. Then she put a bunch of dirt on her face and buried her face in her knees. My friend Abby walked over to Georgia and I RAN STRAIGHT OVER TO ABBY AND SAID "Don't or you're gonna get Kaylyn and I in more trouble. Please, Abby, I'm begging you." So then Abby said "Why?" Then I explained the whole fake crying thing. So Abby walked away and Mrs. F (the lunch monitor Georgia told on us) just got Kaylyn, Abby, and I in trouble after talking with Georgia. The next recess we had to run 20 laps around the track (and the track is huge)! But it was a good workout for me since I'm trying to excersize more.
Sum up of Georgia:
A liar.

BLESS, you really showed Georgia who is in charge!

+1 by Frogs, George, spoke and Maggie

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