10th June 2015

What's freedom?

Made by Meghan in Wisdom

3,205 posts
Seen 16th August 2023
10th June 2015, 08:06 PM

Hi you guys!


I've lately been seeing people both on DSGHQ and in the real world toss around the word "freedom" without truly comprehending the actual definition. I'm going to quickly address that. It won't be that quick. Like Maniac said, PLSSS dont comment if you don't read the entire thing. Pls don't like or dislike if you don't read the entire thing.

What is freedom?

Many of us don't acknowledge how much freedom we have. Just by logging on to DSGHQ, we have freedom. We're current still living on Earth's hands, and our lives on Earth are not being replaced by the hands of Planet Inability. We can do things on free will. And many people think that by having guardians, we have no freedom. Parents and other guardians help us avoid captivity. Without them, we wouldn't learn from our mistakes, because we would think that weren't not making mistakes. We will only regret when we end up behind bars. Being in jail, that is example of when there is no freedom. But having freedom isn't just others letting us be free and live how we want. It's also ourselves choosing to be free. Being ourselves, and not living a lie, acting like we're someone else.

What isn't freedom?

Hate has a good grip on our lives, and won't let go. Everything we do, we are forced to do. We can't even stand up on our own two feet without the consent of someone. We can be in a big area, but it feels like we're stuck in a cage, because we have to remain in a certain small place until given permission to leave. It feels like there's a person that has a knife for a heart, and he/she's stabbing the knife right into us, because we can't speak on our own terms, and if we try to, we will feel pain.

Or maybe we're not free with ourselves. We aren't being ourselves, and since we're not ourselves, we're not free. Ultimately being free is being yourself like I said. And since we aren't ourselves, we're dead while it we're alive. Because you haven't truly ever lived without being the person you want to be.

In conclusion

There's a difference not having freedom of speech/actions and being cruel. The type of freedom DSGHQ does not have is freedom of cruelty. If you are cruel to others, cruel things will occur to you, both in game and out. But you weren't victimized, because you instigated.

Hopefully, you guys read this and were able to understand it. I love you guys. <3 Have a great day! Do something great today!

+1 by oh and Sam

Everythings not lost
1,280 posts
Seen 12th March 2020
10th June 2015, 09:16 PM

This is a great post. We all deserve to have freedom, but there's a difference between freedom, and being discourteous, as you said. Again, amazing post. :3 +1

+1 by Meghan

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.

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