14th November 2013

Don't leave Pickle1020

Made by ForumHelper in Introductions and Leaving

1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
14th November 2013, 03:00 PM

Pickle1020 please don't leave us! Your my best friend and for my brother on oldcp!
If you leave who will be my brother! Nobody can replace you! I know things have happend to you leg and all but that can't make you leave us!

P- part of our hearts
I- innocent
C- cooler than me!
K- krazyly awesome
L- lots of things we love about you
E- even I will cry if you leave

C- coolest of the all
H- hard worker
I- if you leave it will be horrible
S- sorry about everything bad!

These are my thoughts
I can't take the thought of you leaveing

+1 by PenguinDSC
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

578 posts
14th November 2013, 03:04 PM

i know it will be really horrible if you leave

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