11th July 2015, 11:59 PM
This is the Ace of the acss. At first, I thought it's an awful cartoon network/reality show. I then thought it's an organization related to the illuminati.
do you feel like a young god
2,287 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th July 2015, 02:20 AM
Kewl maybe try some interviews with staff.
- Former OldCP Moderator - Former Drejk DSGHQ Moderator - Former Forum Master - Former XAT Member - Current Forum Moderator - Kacket House Guard -
Vampire Knight Is Awesome!
1,334 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th July 2015, 07:50 AM
That sounds cool! I can't wait for this!
Vampire Knight is amazing!
12th July 2015, 10:01 AM
omg yes i cant wait yes
let the melody save me astoria
sane or insane
229 posts
Seen 27th February 2016