15th November 2013
FIX this annoying thing
15th November 2013, 07:04 PM
OK, i go to a post and now my light bulb lights up so i want to see if someone posted on my post, but its from a post i just saw, someone commented on the post I saw. its really annoying, i dont really want to see what someone else posted on there post. i just wanna post, seen it, done! BUT if you do like this, there should be an Enable and Able button. please post bellow if you agree!
made by Music .
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie .
By ThePast
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie .
By ThePast
15th November 2013, 07:13 PM
OK i get this is helping me with knowing where to put my categories and all, but is that really what the post is about? can my message be heard? what are your thoughts? please post about that instead!
made by Music .
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie .
By ThePast
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie .
By ThePast