22nd July 2015, 03:32 PM
The tale of Herobrine is a famous mc story. But if you haven't. Heres the main idea.
It all started out in the early updates of mc. in the alpha stages. This was before the game had become fully done. Not saying that it is done now. Just saying that it was out of alpha (updates) During that time period though, one player saw that there was a re appearing figure of a steve with white eyes. images bellow so he talked to notch about it. Notch said he did not exist. But in the mc updates there has been a reaccuring words herobrine removed~ Herobrine has many mods now. But he is no longer in the game. Though through mods and other things you can unlock herobrine becoming him or just being one of his subjects of terror Though it is best this stays in the past of the mc universe
The image wont work so just go to this link http://orig00.deviantart.net/78f7/f/2013/158/4/0/2013_05_24_19_49_13_by_ask_lordherobrine-d6861fo.png