16th November 2013
1 view


Made by ForumHelper in Help and Support

1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
16th November 2013, 11:41 AM

Welcome to the OldCP Forum, we thank you for using this amazing tool as a place to unite your words with the entire internet worldwide.

As this is a direct attachment to the OldCP Remake, it requires certain rules to be obeyed.
Here's a general list of the oldcp environment rules:

OldCP General Rules
- Do not use bad language.
- Do not spam.
- Respect everyone including staff members.
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff or members.

As this is a forum and not a chat room or game, there are some extra additions to the rules when you are on this community board.

OldCP Forum Rules
- Do not spam.
- Do not double post.
- Do not make posts containing less than two words.
- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome' etc...
- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.
- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.
- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...
- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.

Thank you, remember to follow these rules!


+1 by Frogs
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

460 posts
Seen 21st February 2021
16th November 2013, 11:46 AM

Yes this is a good post. AnyWay its copying this is like a double post

1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
16th November 2013, 11:48 AM

Yes this is a good post. AnyWay its copying this is like a double post

No it is not, its allowed. like it says on the rules it doesn't say not to copy and paste! thanks for your impute though

Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

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