4th August 2015, 09:21 PM
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
(Also yeah I was on a phone.)
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
(Also yeah I was on a phone.)
total trash
3,372 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
4th August 2015, 09:25 PM
Skittles wrote on 4th August 2015 09:21 PM:
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
My theory: maybe it's because you're on a phone? Hopefully it'll be fixed, skits .
211 posts
Seen 4th September 2015
5th August 2015, 11:51 AM
It's happened to me, and it happens alot. Hopefully it will be fixed, maybe pm a mod/admin for help and show them the proof!
Hey! I am Lauren12.
Abby1 | Kadencedj | Katnip | Liv8757 | MikeSchmdit | Pancakes15 | cheilsea7 | foxyguy | harry0potter | lovely56 | sparklewater | lily1117 | Milkshake8 | Cowffee | Sadie | Foxehhhh | Starflower | Hashir | Paperback | lulu2 | Cristal412 | sydney123 | Lita | Ohiotoo/BlackandWhite |
If I forgot you please tell me. If you would like to be friends just ask!
Its Kinda Fun To Do The Impossible
602 posts
Seen 12th March 2016
5th August 2015, 03:19 PM
Skittles wrote on 4th August 2015 09:21 PM:
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
(Also yeah I was on a phone.)
Hey there.
I know I'm not the only person who noticed the Last Active glitch on here, so I'm just going to make a discussion about what it is that's confusing me.
Okay so after I was done reading a soccer application by a user, I was about to edit my signature on my profile cause I wanted to add something, until I came across this:
Normally It would say Online but somehow it appears as if I'm logged out when I'm not??
I know this might be a common glitch but if administration could please fix it that would be very appreciating and less confusing.
(Also yeah I was on a phone.)
Just listen the song electric angel by Rin & Len