16th November 2013, 12:39 PM
Have anyone one of you felt like quitting. I've seen a huge amount of penguins quitting. Instead of quitting tell some of the mods. They can help you. Dont be afraid to ask for help! Maybe,if you told people they might try to help you. A lot of people are getting bullied. You have to speak out. Everyone has a voice for a reason! You have to think about it as a gift. Maybe the bullied might understand you. Sometimes, people bully people because they have problems. Everyone deserves a chance to speak. If you want to know more about bullying check out my post about it. Anyway, I want to tell the people who are quitting to stop, and speak! Speak out your voice!! Use it as a gift. When someone hurt my feelings i stood back. Using your voice dosnt mean hurting other PEOPLES feelings! It means to tell them how you feel. To stand up for yourself. In school I played with people i didn't like. I stood up and said maybe we need a break. Now, I see them sometimes and I've learned from it! Thats what using your voice is for! I hope you guys enjoy this! Dream on!
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are