16th November 2013


Made by dreamergirl in Help and Support

219 posts
Seen 30th March 2014
16th November 2013, 12:45 PM

Everyone makes mistakes! But a lot of people don't try to fix them. Some mistakes are harder to fix than others. Its harder for some people than for others. When you hurt someones feeling say sorry. Not just that plain sorry. Put meaning in it! I've been saying way to many people just say oh sorry and then shrug. You have to mean it. The other person might feel like you don't care. You have to show them you care. Everyone makes mistakes. Rookies,members,mods,admins and more! Some simple mistake can hurt peoples feelings. This is a common mistake, a lot of time your friend tells you something private but another friend asks you and you tell them! You have to be careful what you say. Some things you cant take back easily. By posting things on the internet, sometimes you cant change it. I wanted to remind everyone that you have to be careful what you post. If you do this you have to say sorry. Maybe if you did this to a friend you have to do it to yourself. Remember everyone makes mistakes! These are some helpful tips. Dream on like life never ends! Oh this is my 50th POST!! :)

+1 by ForumHelper
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
16th November 2013, 12:52 PM

I do agree, mistakes always happen in life. Mistakes can easily be put right, don't just leave it! Thanks for this post dreamergirl, this will help a lot of people.
Small tip: If your making a long post like this, add some paragraphs! It makes it a lot easier to read, plus, it looks more professional! Thanks for reading -Archie

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