17th November 2013

has oldcp gone down?

Made by rockhopper56 in Reports

153 posts
Seen 25th October 2014
17th November 2013, 02:10 PM

whats heppinging to oldcp its gone down

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
17th November 2013, 02:14 PM

It all explains it right here:

Have you ever tried logging onto oldcp and finding that it won't load? It just says Connecting forever?

That is because the database server that the game server is programmed to use to check if you got your password right won't work. That means I have to come on (which could take many hours until i realise) and reboot it.

Have you ever tried to login to oldcp but it says Timed out?

That is because the server that is supposed to make it possible to talk to other penguins around the world is dead and the precautions used to tackle the server from being left dead have failed. That takes me to re-start and diagnose the issue.

Have you ever been playing oldcp, all all of a sudden it says 'Connection Lost'?

That is because the server has died during your time using it. Recently, it's most likely because of a serious problem in the code/machine that made it die. If the machine can't restart it itself, I need to do it. Which probably causes problem #2 to arise for a considerable amount of time.

Recently, all 3 of these problems have been happening ALOT especially over the last 2 days. And with the planned moderator competition this weekend, these circumstances make it virtually impossible to have fun.

In the best interest of having a great time, and realising new stuff and making new mods, we must wait until next weekend. I'm stalling again because there's still a possible problem with the database (although just before this i just started a new trick that might nail the problem forever). With problems like these, the moderator competition cannot happen.

It is very saddening to me to see these problems happen, and after countless efforts to stop them, problems that still continue can get worse and cause even more stress and difficulty.

Things have definitely improved today though, and we might even be fixed for good. The only way we can tell if we are fixed for good is if the server stays up all night, all day and forever until I restart it for a PROPER update that means more than just background maintenance to you guys.

Anyway, I am proud to announce the moderator competition will:

Begin next Week on Friday 22nd at 5PM USA, 11 PM UK (daylight saving hours)

See you then! Plenty more time to be prepared, and you might be able to make plans around the situated date too.

- Damen Spike

Damen made this, and the server has not been working because the script is not doing so well. Damen is trying as hard as he can, and it is very hard.

Here is the direct link if you want it:


Dream On!

9 posts
Seen 7th September 2015
17th November 2013, 02:14 PM

This is a short post. This is Condemmed .

+1 by Mell and Sophie
Chocolate Rain

9 posts
Seen 7th September 2015
17th November 2013, 02:16 PM

Idk what i'm talking about. I am so awkward. My friends tell me that.

+1 by Mell
Chocolate Rain

9 posts
Seen 7th September 2015
17th November 2013, 02:17 PM

I am searious. My friends do.

+1 by Mell
Chocolate Rain

228 posts
Seen 15th November 2020
17th November 2013, 02:20 PM

Correct[u/] Dice! I would of did that post but I just got back from Walmart...

Owner of Dice Talk

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