1st October 2015

Balin account its create!

Made by Balin in Shows

”Growing is a process
121 posts
Seen 14th January 2023
1st October 2015, 01:59 PM

Dear Emperor Damen Drake!

Today I returned to Oldcp after my absence in Oldcp, made a serious mistake in joining the BlackHawks, but gave up and decided to do what is right Oldcp protect them!

Today when I entered the game I noticed that all bills had been erased and when I create my account Balin had already been created, I hope it helps me eliminate this account so that I can create!

Also thank you for making me Wise Priest in the forums!

I would also ask you dear emperor to come back to give me one more chance to be Wise Priest in Oldcp!

thanks for reading my call!

-1 by Mink, skits and rami

do you feel like a young god
2,287 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
1st October 2015, 02:41 PM

you were bh and want balin back. well ok im not sure if damen forgave you for being bh but i guess i hope you get your account back...

+1 by Kara

- Former OldCP Moderator - Former Drejk DSGHQ Moderator - Former Forum Master - Former XAT Member - Current Forum Moderator - Kacket House Guard -

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