26th October 2015

The girl with the jar part 1

Made by Swimmy in Shows

When A New Day Comes, Everything is Better.
586 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
26th October 2015, 05:05 PM

Hello guys. Since i finished spongebob story i wanted to make another story. But its only up to part 5. Its called the girl with the jar. Well, heres the story..

Once there was a little girl. She went to her favourite lake. She always goes there with her jar. In her jar there is a huge diamond. In the diamond she can see her family.


The little girl loved that diamond. But that girl saw something in the bushes. So she ran away with her jar.


She hide behind a tree.

Find out what happens in part 2!

Sorry this part was short.

+1 by Coming1

Friendship is supposed to be everywhere. Including DSGHQ. We have lots and lots of friendship all over the world. And we also need more friendship in DSGHQ too! Everyone is perfect however they are. Family and Friendship is a beautiful thing. Everyone can work together.

556 posts
Seen 6th February 2016
26th October 2015, 05:07 PM

FluffyChoco wrote on 26th October 2015 05:05 PM:
Hello guys. Since i finished spongebob story i wanted to make another story. But its only up to part 5. Its called the girl with the jar at the lake. well heres the story

Once there was a little girl. She went to her favourite lake. She always goes there with her jar. In her jar there is a huge diamond. In the diamond she can see her family.


The little girl loved that diamond. But that girl saw something in the bushes. So she ran away with her jar.


She hide behind a tree.

Find out what happens in part 2!

Sorry this part was short.
Building up the tension!
Can't wait till Part two coo stories. +1

[ Thanks Emmie!!!
Thanks Midnightwolf!
Thanks Lils

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