1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
21st November 2013, 04:49 PM
Hello, CPManiac here. I have thought up a new way to help penguins, and it is called the What Tutorial. (What stands for We Help All Trainees) It is a process that helps any penguin learn about OldCp in any way. This is a suggeston, and I hope Damen adds it to the taskbar on the homescreen, for all players to see.
What Is OldCpV7?
OldCpV7 (Also known as OldCp) Is a virtual game owned by Damen, the main administrator, and main owner. This website you are on now is called, and when you type this in to Google, it comes up with the home, where you can start playing.
This is the best remake of Club Penguin before Disney ruined it, and you will find out what you can truly do once you create an account, and log in.
Create an Account
Now, when you get to the website, you will see login, and create an account. (There is also Join Forums) You will start with clicking the Create an Account button. It will show the agreement, and you will check the boxes. You will now have range of 12 different colored penguins, and you click one. You now make the name as you like, but you should never use your real name, as it says. After you find a name that approves, you can make a password. Make sure to keep a secure password that no one can hack into. Then, you get to the final screen, and it says your penguin has been created. You can now play Club Penguin! (OldCpV7)
Logging In
After you create an account, you will push Start. You now type in your penguin name and password, (I recommend that you put it on a sticky note in a secret place), and you have the choice of the computer remembering your password and username. After you login, it shows all of the server countries You choose the first one, (America) And you pick a server. The server that you go into is Blizzard, put when the server is down, you go into Iceberg.
Commands on OldCp
There are many commands on OldCp, such as codes for rooms, and codes for clothing, and codes for other things like /transfer. You can look at the commands at the top of the page when you are playing OldCp, or some of these:
/newcp (Type of item) (Id) Such as /newcp body 4069
/jr (Room id) Such as /jr 221
/transfer (Any online penguin name) (Number of credits you want to give) Such as /transfer Damen 51
/ac (Number of coins you want) Example: /ac 104040
When you go on your penguin’s profile, or any penguin profile, you will see at the top right of the profile a number. This is credits, a way to buy extras, or to give to other penguins, or just to keep. These you can earn by getting a job, (I will explain later), a credit competition, (also explained later), Bargaining, and Being a mod/admin. Assistant. (Will be explained later) To buy extras with credits, you will look at the home button, (at the bottom right, looks like a home) and you ill click on the button next to it. (A question mark) There are 2 options: Extras store, and extras. You will click on the extras store, and look at the selection of extras such as nametag, subtitle, and cat. If you have enough credits for one of them, you can buy it, and it will be added to your inventory of extras. (Make sure to not buy one extra twice) This is where you now go to the extras, and it will show your extras. You can edit them, like alpha, how invisible you look, or subtitle, what you want it to say. You can also transfer credits to another penguin by as I said above: /transfer (Any online penguin name) (Number of credits you want to give). This will give a penguin your amount of credits but you cannot give a penguin an amount of credits that you don’t have.
Jobs/Credit Competition/Being Respectful (How you can earn Credits)
These are some ways to earns credits. One way is to get a job. To get a job, you can ask a moderator, (Explained later) an owner of a store, (Explained later) or an Administrator. There is a selection of jobs from Police Officer, to Coffee shop waiter/waitress, Pizza Shop waiter/waitress, Pet shop penguin, Dance Club DJ, and more. You get credits every 21st of the month, about 700 credits per month. (plus tips you get from penguins) You can also get credits by winning a credit competition. A credit competition is a competition where you can earn credits. It can be from a Fashion show, to A team or Solo Competition with tasks. At the end, if you win the competition, the penguin who started the competition will give you an amount of credits he/she promised. The last way is to be a mod/admin. Assistant. You can ask a moderator r Administrator if they need an assistant, and if they say yes, you are their personal assistant now. You will earn about 800 credits per month.
Snowball Server
The Snowball server, is the server where you can have fun, and get lives for more playing. When you login to the server, (Iceberg) you will see next to your nametag a number, and that is the number of lives you have.
How To play in the Snowball Server
When you start playing, you can join a team, you say /js (Then name of squad/team name) You will now be in that team, but the default team is either Goods, or Evils. Some teams may have passwords, so you will have to ask a team member or team leader for their team password. How to Join the team with a Password: /(Team Name, then password name) Example: /Evils Mickey. To make a squad or team, you simply do /cs, then the team name you want, then a password. (Optional) To play, you push T and throw, or go to the thing next to emotions and throw. The Codes to see your status and time is: /status and /match. Whoever wins at the end of the round (Each round is 15 minutes) wins 5 lives.
Moderators and Administrators
These are the main people that watch over OldCp, and can use more commands than you can, like /ban and /kick. They are usually in the town, and on the buildings, watching to see if any penguin is cussing, or bullying, or other examples like scamming. They can (As I said) ban or kick anyone of the server if they need to do this to the bad penguin. Administrators are the highest power you can have, and there are only 3 administrators over 65,000 penguins. (Also with 13 other moderators) The admins. can fix the server if it has problems, also kick/ban penguins, and can use /global to tell all penguins what they need to say. They are the most important positions, and they are: Damen, Cyberwolf, and Hashir. (If you are reading this later, these might not be the same) The next highest position is Moderator, and there are 13 of them. Their names are: Chelsey, Kara, Joruney, Freezer, May23, Raindrop, Sheep, CPManiac (Me), PenguinDSC, Junior, Thisismyname, Musclebob1, and Ghost. They have the powers to do a lot of things, but not as many as administrators, as in /summonall (To room), Summon (Penguinname), /ban, and kick. (All administrators and Moderators can do this.)
Rules of OldCpV7 (OldCp)
There are a lot of rules to OldCp, such as:
As this is a direct attachment to the OldCP Remake, it requires certain rules to be obeyed.
Here's a general list of the oldcp environment rules:
OldCP General Rules
- Do not use bad language.
- Do not spam.
- Respect everyone including staff members.
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff or members.
(This is all of the rules from the Forum, (Explained later))
Some More Rules: (Also from the Forum)
Game Rules:
-Don't swear, cuss, or curse.
-Listen to the staff members.
-Respect all of the staff member(s)' actions.
-Don't flame or spam.
-Have fun.
-Don't let other people bother you. Simply report/ignore them!
-NO bullying.
-Do not beg the staff members for higher ranks as this makes it harder for staff to do their job.
-Never threaten to hack anyone. You will be banned from that point onward.
You are going to be trusted if you do not break any of these rules, or other rules that come along the way.
What Can I do and Not Do On OldCpV7? (OldCp)
There are certain things that Damen, the main Administrator tries to fix, but they are sometimes not fixable, or able to work. Some things that you cannot do, are games. When you try to play a game, it will freeze every time, so do not keep trying. The next thing is updating an igloo. You can but furniture in your igloo, but you cannot make your igloo something else like a tent, or it will freeze also.
The OldCpV7 Radio
When you get on OldCp, you will see something up above The OldCp login, and it either says The OldCp radio is on, or off. When it is on, Damen controls the songs, and you can skpe him to tell him what song you want to put on the radio. It is a fun thing to listen to when you are just sitting around in the town. When it is off, which it mostly is, there will be no music on.
Some Places You Cannot Go To
There are many places and Jr’s that are on the island of OldCp, but some you cannot go to. The first one is the ski lodge, the lodge attic. You cannot go upstairs, but when you do, you would use the code: /jr 221. There is also the lighthouse top, when you try to go upstairs, it also does not work. For this, you would use the code: /jr 411. The final one is inside the mine, which on the island of OldCp, is not built, just like in Club Penguin in 2006. Now, the code for this one is /jr 808, and these are the regular jr’s you can go to around the island.
OldCpV7 (OldCp) Chat
There are many ways to chat, but this is the most popular one. It is the one where when you login, it shows a chat under the OldCp screen. It will show yourself, and you can change your name, and your photo. Once you do this, you hit save, and you are off to chatting! You sign in, and you will see a chat box. You can type in whatever you’d like, but please follow the rules such as:
Chat Rules: (All from forum Rules)
-No spamming, cursing, cussing, swearing, or flaming.
-No making sentences that will offend other people.
-Do not ask "Which moderator is better?", as you will then get a warning for the first two offenses, then a kick for the third. Keep doing this after three offenses and it's a ban depending on a time span between 1 hour and forever, most likely between 1 hour and 24 hours(1 day).
-NEVER be racist. This goes for the game rules and the forum rules as well.
-No pretending to be a moderator on the chat, game, or forum.
-No requesting to be banned just because you want to. You will be kicked for the first two offenses, then an actual ban in the third offense.
Taskbar at the top
You may wonder already, “What are those things at the top, and what can they do?” Well, I will explain each and every one to you.
Home is just the same thing as the OldCp blog, also at the top. They both show An Administrator telling the latest news on OldCp.
Play is just another way to show the homepage of the website. You can start playing on here, go on the chat, listen to the radio, and join the forums, (Explained later), Create an Account, look at the other things like the Leaderboard on the taskbar, (Explained Later), and look at all the moderators and Admins. You can also reload OldCp, by clicking Reload OldCp at the bottom under the Moderator list.
This is the Community, and is used by over 3800 members. (Right now) When you click on Forum at the top of the OldCp page, It will show a login. You can create an account, or login if you have one already.
How do you created an account?
Well, to create an account you Push join the community. You will then agree to the forum rules, and move on to account information. You will type in whatever you have, and you will then push join. Once you joined, you can login in by pressing Login on the Forum homepage. Once you login, you can press community index, and you start your journey there. You might be confused at first, but when you finish this tutorial, you will know the forum like the back of your head.
There is 9 Tools on the taskbar at the top, and the one you should click first, is Tutorial, Help, and Rules. These can help you understand the forum better, and how to use it. Lets go through the taskbar shall we?
The First one is the community index, where you can post, and make discussions. (Both explained later) You can post on the topics such as: Announcements, News, The Lounge, Club Penguin, Reports, Help and Support, Feedback, Cool Stuff, Suggestions, Forum games, Entertainment, (Masters, Community staff, and Trashcan explained later). You can also make an album, or mood on the community index. (Explained later)
Next is rules. Rules are made to tell you how to follow the rules on the forum, the chat, and OldCp.
This is the one on the taskbar that is like the Moderator bar on OldCp homepage, but it shows all the moderators on the forum. I will show you how to get, and what ranks there are later.
Members: This shows all the recent members joined, and all the member’s profiles.
Albums: This is where You can look at all the albums, or make one yourself. (Explained Later)
Search: This is where you can Search for a discussion you want to look at, a tag, (Explained later), and looking up a penguin. To do this, you can find a clue word from the discussion you want, type it in, and it will show all the discussions with that in it. To find a penguin, you type in the penguin’s name, and it will show it to you.
The Stats is all the OldCp Forum records, and highs, like the most posts, and how many members there are.
This can show you how to do some of the things you might need to do, like How to make a discussion, How to change your profile photo, how t get moderator on Forum, and how To get reputation.
The tutorial was made so you can find out what to do on the forum. It shows how to make a discussion, what the ranks are, how to see other discussions, And how to become a member.
The things to your right is the first one, the time in Washington D.C. The second one below tutorial, is your profile. In your profile you can change your picture, (Explained in the tutorial) look at your posts, and edit it. To edit your profile, go to your profile, and push edit profile. You now can change your picture, name, background, and more.
The one next to it is reminders. You get these when someone posts on a discussion that you posted on too.
The final one is next to it, and it is mail. You can look at the mail others sent you, and reply to it. To send others mail, go to Search, and type in their name. You click on them, and look at the options at the top. The first one is Send Mail, and you click that one. You now do it like a Post, and you have sent them mail.
If you do not know all the ranks by now, here they are in their color:
The first one isBanned and the only thing you can do on the forum, is nothing.
The Second rank is Guest, and this is the lowest rank where you can make posts and things like that.
The third rank is Rookie, where you start with when you start the forums. You can do what any other rookie can do, but you cannot do as much as Master.
The Fourth rank is Member, and with this. you can get 100 credits per 50 posts. It is the first promotion after rookie, and most people that play 1-2 days a week on the forum are member.
The Fifth Rank is News Reporter, and you get 1000 credits per month by being a news reporter. You tell the news, and you have to know all the latest to tell it.
The sixth rank is Master, and you are now a trusted user. You can post in the Master’s section, you can only post in it if you are Master or higher. This is the rank before Moderator.
The seventh Rank Is Moderator, and you can do most everything with moderator position on the forum. You can kick/ban all penguins, and you can also check ip’s to see if they are the same. They can also move discussions to different topics.
The eighth and best rank you can get is Administrator and you have complete control of the forum. You can shut it down for updates, you can ban/kick any penguin, and much more. (Same as the mods, but more)
To earn higher ranks, you follow all the rules, and be helpful. You can also follow these rules as they are on Rules:
OldCP Forum Rules
- Do not spam.
- Do not double post.
- Do not make posts containing less than two words.
- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome' etc...
- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.
- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.
- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...
- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.
General Forum Rules:
-Do not make any spam topics(e.g. Want to come online? or GIVE ME MOD).
-Don't entice other users into flaming you when you flame them. It makes you both as bad as each other.
-NO swearing, cussing, or cursing. There's kids on here!
-Have fun! What's the point on being here if you aren't having fun?
-No advertising in the forum, game, or chat(except for appropriate YouTube links).
-Double posting is okay, but triple posting isn't. So don't triple post(e.g. making 3 posts in a row without someone else posting).
-Do not make topics about other members in a negative way.
How to make a discussion?
To make a discussion, you go to the community index, and push Create new discussion. You now type the title, put it in a topic that suites it, and type what you want, according to the rules.
How to post on a discussion?
Go to the discussion you want to post on, then go to the bottom. You will see send a reply, and you will do the same thing as a discussion, only posting, not making a title on it, or putting it in a different topic.
What discussion topic should I put it in?
This is what each discussion topic means, and you put it:
If it is an important thing to announce, you put it in announcements.
If it is just a regular thing, and is like a song url, put it in the Lounge.
If it relates to Club Penguin, (Not this one, the original) put it in Club Penguin.
If it is important, and urgent, put it in reports.
If it is to help a penguin, or if you need help from a penguin, put it in Help and Support.
If you want someone to say something about you ideas or thoughts, put it in Feedback.
If it is Cool, and you want every penguin to see it, put it in cool stuff.
If you are leaving, or you are new, or some other penguin, or thing is leaving, or new, put it in Introductions and Leaving.
If you think you have a good idea, put it in Suggestions.
If you want to play a forum game, go to the forum games section. If you want to make a game, put it in Forum Games.
If you want some penguins to watch a gif, put it in entertainment.
If you are a master, you can put anything in the Master’s section.
If you are a Moderator and Administrator, you can partake in the Community staff section, and the Trashcan section.
What is Reputation?/How do you get it?
Reputation is when you get a like from the forum, it will give you 1 reputation. You can earn reputation, by making great posts, and posts that penguins want to read.
Forum Likes:
A forum like is the same thing as reputation, and on your profile you can see how many you have in the reputation box. There are dislikes and likes. If someone likes your posts, they like to read it, and it is a good post, but if they give you a dislike, it is probably a bad post. But don’t worry, Dislikes and Likes are just opinion!
If you are at least a member, every 50 posts you do, you can get 100 credits. Something has been going on, so you might not get it.
How to make an Album or mood? Well, you go to the community index, and you click to the right of the topics, add mood. You can type whatever you would like, and when you are finished, push done, and everybody can see it. Now, if you want an album, you can go to the bottom of the page, and you click create an album. You will make a description, like you would make a post, then you make a title. Once you do this, it is now an album. After you do this, go to your album at the bottom, and click it. You now edit your pictures, getting a gif or url, and you paste it onto the edit page. To get there, you push edit album, and push the + sign, making another picture.
This is the end of the Forum guide, (the longest), but you probably know how to use it now.
Blog is the same thing as Home, (As I said before) And only administrators can use it.
This shows a lot of the commands that you can use on OldCp, like /copyright and /hide. The ones in green means only an administrator or mod can use it.
This is a list of jobs that you can get, how much they pay. It also shows who to tell it to. (an admin or Damen on the forums.(Although you cannot send Damen letters on the Forum anymore))
Hall of Fame:
This is a list of Famous penguins in the timeline of OldCp. (Created by Cyberwolf)
The leaderboard is where you can look at how many lives you have on the snowball server, who has the most lives, which team is the best, and if your team is in a place.
This is probably the best way to earn credits. You solve the crime, by finding clues, and once you put it together, put your theory on the forum, and if you are correct, you get the amount of credits for that mystery.
This is a place where you can find more Club Penguin games like the real Club Penguin, (Rubbish as we OldCp penguins say), and
This is the end of the W.H.A.T tutorial, but I am going to list some extra Jr’s, websites to get clothing ids’s, and others that can help you along the way:
Jr Codes:
/jr rigged
/jr lego
/jr candy
/jr kara
/jr fizz
/jr Damen
/jr Chesley
/jr Cyberwolf
/jr Hashir
/jr Hashirnest
/jr icedragon
/jr pufflefeed
/jr policebob
/jr elevators
/jr theend
/jr undefined
/jr townexplode
/jr snailschat
/jr toblerone
/jr disneypizza
/jr base
/jr base2
/Jr tapes
/Jr aftermath
/jr sofie
/jr void
Good Luck on your Journey through OldCpV7!
What Is OldCpV7?
OldCpV7 (Also known as OldCp) Is a virtual game owned by Damen, the main administrator, and main owner. This website you are on now is called, and when you type this in to Google, it comes up with the home, where you can start playing.
This is the best remake of Club Penguin before Disney ruined it, and you will find out what you can truly do once you create an account, and log in.
Create an Account
Now, when you get to the website, you will see login, and create an account. (There is also Join Forums) You will start with clicking the Create an Account button. It will show the agreement, and you will check the boxes. You will now have range of 12 different colored penguins, and you click one. You now make the name as you like, but you should never use your real name, as it says. After you find a name that approves, you can make a password. Make sure to keep a secure password that no one can hack into. Then, you get to the final screen, and it says your penguin has been created. You can now play Club Penguin! (OldCpV7)
Logging In
After you create an account, you will push Start. You now type in your penguin name and password, (I recommend that you put it on a sticky note in a secret place), and you have the choice of the computer remembering your password and username. After you login, it shows all of the server countries You choose the first one, (America) And you pick a server. The server that you go into is Blizzard, put when the server is down, you go into Iceberg.
Commands on OldCp
There are many commands on OldCp, such as codes for rooms, and codes for clothing, and codes for other things like /transfer. You can look at the commands at the top of the page when you are playing OldCp, or some of these:
/newcp (Type of item) (Id) Such as /newcp body 4069
/jr (Room id) Such as /jr 221
/transfer (Any online penguin name) (Number of credits you want to give) Such as /transfer Damen 51
/ac (Number of coins you want) Example: /ac 104040
When you go on your penguin’s profile, or any penguin profile, you will see at the top right of the profile a number. This is credits, a way to buy extras, or to give to other penguins, or just to keep. These you can earn by getting a job, (I will explain later), a credit competition, (also explained later), Bargaining, and Being a mod/admin. Assistant. (Will be explained later) To buy extras with credits, you will look at the home button, (at the bottom right, looks like a home) and you ill click on the button next to it. (A question mark) There are 2 options: Extras store, and extras. You will click on the extras store, and look at the selection of extras such as nametag, subtitle, and cat. If you have enough credits for one of them, you can buy it, and it will be added to your inventory of extras. (Make sure to not buy one extra twice) This is where you now go to the extras, and it will show your extras. You can edit them, like alpha, how invisible you look, or subtitle, what you want it to say. You can also transfer credits to another penguin by as I said above: /transfer (Any online penguin name) (Number of credits you want to give). This will give a penguin your amount of credits but you cannot give a penguin an amount of credits that you don’t have.
Jobs/Credit Competition/Being Respectful (How you can earn Credits)
These are some ways to earns credits. One way is to get a job. To get a job, you can ask a moderator, (Explained later) an owner of a store, (Explained later) or an Administrator. There is a selection of jobs from Police Officer, to Coffee shop waiter/waitress, Pizza Shop waiter/waitress, Pet shop penguin, Dance Club DJ, and more. You get credits every 21st of the month, about 700 credits per month. (plus tips you get from penguins) You can also get credits by winning a credit competition. A credit competition is a competition where you can earn credits. It can be from a Fashion show, to A team or Solo Competition with tasks. At the end, if you win the competition, the penguin who started the competition will give you an amount of credits he/she promised. The last way is to be a mod/admin. Assistant. You can ask a moderator r Administrator if they need an assistant, and if they say yes, you are their personal assistant now. You will earn about 800 credits per month.
Snowball Server
The Snowball server, is the server where you can have fun, and get lives for more playing. When you login to the server, (Iceberg) you will see next to your nametag a number, and that is the number of lives you have.
How To play in the Snowball Server
When you start playing, you can join a team, you say /js (Then name of squad/team name) You will now be in that team, but the default team is either Goods, or Evils. Some teams may have passwords, so you will have to ask a team member or team leader for their team password. How to Join the team with a Password: /(Team Name, then password name) Example: /Evils Mickey. To make a squad or team, you simply do /cs, then the team name you want, then a password. (Optional) To play, you push T and throw, or go to the thing next to emotions and throw. The Codes to see your status and time is: /status and /match. Whoever wins at the end of the round (Each round is 15 minutes) wins 5 lives.
Moderators and Administrators
These are the main people that watch over OldCp, and can use more commands than you can, like /ban and /kick. They are usually in the town, and on the buildings, watching to see if any penguin is cussing, or bullying, or other examples like scamming. They can (As I said) ban or kick anyone of the server if they need to do this to the bad penguin. Administrators are the highest power you can have, and there are only 3 administrators over 65,000 penguins. (Also with 13 other moderators) The admins. can fix the server if it has problems, also kick/ban penguins, and can use /global to tell all penguins what they need to say. They are the most important positions, and they are: Damen, Cyberwolf, and Hashir. (If you are reading this later, these might not be the same) The next highest position is Moderator, and there are 13 of them. Their names are: Chelsey, Kara, Joruney, Freezer, May23, Raindrop, Sheep, CPManiac (Me), PenguinDSC, Junior, Thisismyname, Musclebob1, and Ghost. They have the powers to do a lot of things, but not as many as administrators, as in /summonall (To room), Summon (Penguinname), /ban, and kick. (All administrators and Moderators can do this.)
Rules of OldCpV7 (OldCp)
There are a lot of rules to OldCp, such as:
As this is a direct attachment to the OldCP Remake, it requires certain rules to be obeyed.
Here's a general list of the oldcp environment rules:
OldCP General Rules
- Do not use bad language.
- Do not spam.
- Respect everyone including staff members.
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff or members.
(This is all of the rules from the Forum, (Explained later))
Some More Rules: (Also from the Forum)
Game Rules:
-Don't swear, cuss, or curse.
-Listen to the staff members.
-Respect all of the staff member(s)' actions.
-Don't flame or spam.
-Have fun.
-Don't let other people bother you. Simply report/ignore them!
-NO bullying.
-Do not beg the staff members for higher ranks as this makes it harder for staff to do their job.
-Never threaten to hack anyone. You will be banned from that point onward.
You are going to be trusted if you do not break any of these rules, or other rules that come along the way.
What Can I do and Not Do On OldCpV7? (OldCp)
There are certain things that Damen, the main Administrator tries to fix, but they are sometimes not fixable, or able to work. Some things that you cannot do, are games. When you try to play a game, it will freeze every time, so do not keep trying. The next thing is updating an igloo. You can but furniture in your igloo, but you cannot make your igloo something else like a tent, or it will freeze also.
The OldCpV7 Radio
When you get on OldCp, you will see something up above The OldCp login, and it either says The OldCp radio is on, or off. When it is on, Damen controls the songs, and you can skpe him to tell him what song you want to put on the radio. It is a fun thing to listen to when you are just sitting around in the town. When it is off, which it mostly is, there will be no music on.
Some Places You Cannot Go To
There are many places and Jr’s that are on the island of OldCp, but some you cannot go to. The first one is the ski lodge, the lodge attic. You cannot go upstairs, but when you do, you would use the code: /jr 221. There is also the lighthouse top, when you try to go upstairs, it also does not work. For this, you would use the code: /jr 411. The final one is inside the mine, which on the island of OldCp, is not built, just like in Club Penguin in 2006. Now, the code for this one is /jr 808, and these are the regular jr’s you can go to around the island.
OldCpV7 (OldCp) Chat
There are many ways to chat, but this is the most popular one. It is the one where when you login, it shows a chat under the OldCp screen. It will show yourself, and you can change your name, and your photo. Once you do this, you hit save, and you are off to chatting! You sign in, and you will see a chat box. You can type in whatever you’d like, but please follow the rules such as:
Chat Rules: (All from forum Rules)
-No spamming, cursing, cussing, swearing, or flaming.
-No making sentences that will offend other people.
-Do not ask "Which moderator is better?", as you will then get a warning for the first two offenses, then a kick for the third. Keep doing this after three offenses and it's a ban depending on a time span between 1 hour and forever, most likely between 1 hour and 24 hours(1 day).
-NEVER be racist. This goes for the game rules and the forum rules as well.
-No pretending to be a moderator on the chat, game, or forum.
-No requesting to be banned just because you want to. You will be kicked for the first two offenses, then an actual ban in the third offense.
Taskbar at the top
You may wonder already, “What are those things at the top, and what can they do?” Well, I will explain each and every one to you.
Home is just the same thing as the OldCp blog, also at the top. They both show An Administrator telling the latest news on OldCp.
Play is just another way to show the homepage of the website. You can start playing on here, go on the chat, listen to the radio, and join the forums, (Explained later), Create an Account, look at the other things like the Leaderboard on the taskbar, (Explained Later), and look at all the moderators and Admins. You can also reload OldCp, by clicking Reload OldCp at the bottom under the Moderator list.
This is the Community, and is used by over 3800 members. (Right now) When you click on Forum at the top of the OldCp page, It will show a login. You can create an account, or login if you have one already.
How do you created an account?
Well, to create an account you Push join the community. You will then agree to the forum rules, and move on to account information. You will type in whatever you have, and you will then push join. Once you joined, you can login in by pressing Login on the Forum homepage. Once you login, you can press community index, and you start your journey there. You might be confused at first, but when you finish this tutorial, you will know the forum like the back of your head.
There is 9 Tools on the taskbar at the top, and the one you should click first, is Tutorial, Help, and Rules. These can help you understand the forum better, and how to use it. Lets go through the taskbar shall we?
The First one is the community index, where you can post, and make discussions. (Both explained later) You can post on the topics such as: Announcements, News, The Lounge, Club Penguin, Reports, Help and Support, Feedback, Cool Stuff, Suggestions, Forum games, Entertainment, (Masters, Community staff, and Trashcan explained later). You can also make an album, or mood on the community index. (Explained later)
Next is rules. Rules are made to tell you how to follow the rules on the forum, the chat, and OldCp.
This is the one on the taskbar that is like the Moderator bar on OldCp homepage, but it shows all the moderators on the forum. I will show you how to get, and what ranks there are later.
Members: This shows all the recent members joined, and all the member’s profiles.
Albums: This is where You can look at all the albums, or make one yourself. (Explained Later)
Search: This is where you can Search for a discussion you want to look at, a tag, (Explained later), and looking up a penguin. To do this, you can find a clue word from the discussion you want, type it in, and it will show all the discussions with that in it. To find a penguin, you type in the penguin’s name, and it will show it to you.
The Stats is all the OldCp Forum records, and highs, like the most posts, and how many members there are.
This can show you how to do some of the things you might need to do, like How to make a discussion, How to change your profile photo, how t get moderator on Forum, and how To get reputation.
The tutorial was made so you can find out what to do on the forum. It shows how to make a discussion, what the ranks are, how to see other discussions, And how to become a member.
The things to your right is the first one, the time in Washington D.C. The second one below tutorial, is your profile. In your profile you can change your picture, (Explained in the tutorial) look at your posts, and edit it. To edit your profile, go to your profile, and push edit profile. You now can change your picture, name, background, and more.
The one next to it is reminders. You get these when someone posts on a discussion that you posted on too.
The final one is next to it, and it is mail. You can look at the mail others sent you, and reply to it. To send others mail, go to Search, and type in their name. You click on them, and look at the options at the top. The first one is Send Mail, and you click that one. You now do it like a Post, and you have sent them mail.
If you do not know all the ranks by now, here they are in their color:
The first one is
The Second rank is Guest, and this is the lowest rank where you can make posts and things like that.
The third rank is Rookie, where you start with when you start the forums. You can do what any other rookie can do, but you cannot do as much as Master.
The Fourth rank is Member, and with this. you can get 100 credits per 50 posts. It is the first promotion after rookie, and most people that play 1-2 days a week on the forum are member.
The Fifth Rank is News Reporter, and you get 1000 credits per month by being a news reporter. You tell the news, and you have to know all the latest to tell it.
The sixth rank is Master, and you are now a trusted user. You can post in the Master’s section, you can only post in it if you are Master or higher. This is the rank before Moderator.
The seventh Rank Is Moderator, and you can do most everything with moderator position on the forum. You can kick/ban all penguins, and you can also check ip’s to see if they are the same. They can also move discussions to different topics.
The eighth and best rank you can get is Administrator and you have complete control of the forum. You can shut it down for updates, you can ban/kick any penguin, and much more. (Same as the mods, but more)
To earn higher ranks, you follow all the rules, and be helpful. You can also follow these rules as they are on Rules:
OldCP Forum Rules
- Do not spam.
- Do not double post.
- Do not make posts containing less than two words.
- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome' etc...
- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.
- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.
- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...
- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.
General Forum Rules:
-Do not make any spam topics(e.g. Want to come online? or GIVE ME MOD).
-Don't entice other users into flaming you when you flame them. It makes you both as bad as each other.
-NO swearing, cussing, or cursing. There's kids on here!
-Have fun! What's the point on being here if you aren't having fun?
-No advertising in the forum, game, or chat(except for appropriate YouTube links).
-Double posting is okay, but triple posting isn't. So don't triple post(e.g. making 3 posts in a row without someone else posting).
-Do not make topics about other members in a negative way.
How to make a discussion?
To make a discussion, you go to the community index, and push Create new discussion. You now type the title, put it in a topic that suites it, and type what you want, according to the rules.
How to post on a discussion?
Go to the discussion you want to post on, then go to the bottom. You will see send a reply, and you will do the same thing as a discussion, only posting, not making a title on it, or putting it in a different topic.
What discussion topic should I put it in?
This is what each discussion topic means, and you put it:
If it is an important thing to announce, you put it in announcements.
If it is just a regular thing, and is like a song url, put it in the Lounge.
If it relates to Club Penguin, (Not this one, the original) put it in Club Penguin.
If it is important, and urgent, put it in reports.
If it is to help a penguin, or if you need help from a penguin, put it in Help and Support.
If you want someone to say something about you ideas or thoughts, put it in Feedback.
If it is Cool, and you want every penguin to see it, put it in cool stuff.
If you are leaving, or you are new, or some other penguin, or thing is leaving, or new, put it in Introductions and Leaving.
If you think you have a good idea, put it in Suggestions.
If you want to play a forum game, go to the forum games section. If you want to make a game, put it in Forum Games.
If you want some penguins to watch a gif, put it in entertainment.
If you are a master, you can put anything in the Master’s section.
If you are a Moderator and Administrator, you can partake in the Community staff section, and the Trashcan section.
What is Reputation?/How do you get it?
Reputation is when you get a like from the forum, it will give you 1 reputation. You can earn reputation, by making great posts, and posts that penguins want to read.
Forum Likes:
A forum like is the same thing as reputation, and on your profile you can see how many you have in the reputation box. There are dislikes and likes. If someone likes your posts, they like to read it, and it is a good post, but if they give you a dislike, it is probably a bad post. But don’t worry, Dislikes and Likes are just opinion!
If you are at least a member, every 50 posts you do, you can get 100 credits. Something has been going on, so you might not get it.
How to make an Album or mood? Well, you go to the community index, and you click to the right of the topics, add mood. You can type whatever you would like, and when you are finished, push done, and everybody can see it. Now, if you want an album, you can go to the bottom of the page, and you click create an album. You will make a description, like you would make a post, then you make a title. Once you do this, it is now an album. After you do this, go to your album at the bottom, and click it. You now edit your pictures, getting a gif or url, and you paste it onto the edit page. To get there, you push edit album, and push the + sign, making another picture.
This is the end of the Forum guide, (the longest), but you probably know how to use it now.
Blog is the same thing as Home, (As I said before) And only administrators can use it.
This shows a lot of the commands that you can use on OldCp, like /copyright and /hide. The ones in green means only an administrator or mod can use it.
This is a list of jobs that you can get, how much they pay. It also shows who to tell it to. (an admin or Damen on the forums.(Although you cannot send Damen letters on the Forum anymore))
Hall of Fame:
This is a list of Famous penguins in the timeline of OldCp. (Created by Cyberwolf)
The leaderboard is where you can look at how many lives you have on the snowball server, who has the most lives, which team is the best, and if your team is in a place.
This is probably the best way to earn credits. You solve the crime, by finding clues, and once you put it together, put your theory on the forum, and if you are correct, you get the amount of credits for that mystery.
This is a place where you can find more Club Penguin games like the real Club Penguin, (Rubbish as we OldCp penguins say), and
This is the end of the W.H.A.T tutorial, but I am going to list some extra Jr’s, websites to get clothing ids’s, and others that can help you along the way:
Jr Codes:
/jr rigged
/jr lego
/jr candy
/jr kara
/jr fizz
/jr Damen
/jr Chesley
/jr Cyberwolf
/jr Hashir
/jr Hashirnest
/jr icedragon
/jr pufflefeed
/jr policebob
/jr elevators
/jr theend
/jr undefined
/jr townexplode
/jr snailschat
/jr toblerone
/jr disneypizza
/jr base
/jr base2
/Jr tapes
/Jr aftermath
/jr sofie
/jr void
Good Luck on your Journey through OldCpV7!
2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
21st November 2013, 04:52 PM
Wow, this is a great tutorial! It has all you would need to find to get started! I agree, this should be promoted and featured Can I just point out, on the ranks part, you missed out member. Good luck! -Archie
Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!
♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
21st November 2013, 04:56 PM
This is a wonderful Tutorial for in-game, and the forum! I recommend that this is the tutorial of November 2013! It has almost everything, and it will tell new people on the forum, and in-game about everything that there is to Oldcp! I love how you give the websites on where you can find clothing id’s, and showing people the hexes of colors! Some of these /jr rooms I did not even know! I love this tutorial, and you should be very proud of yourself for taking so long to do it! I am sure that this might be the new tutorial, and that everyone will go to your tutorial to help! This was very creative showing almost everything, and this might be the post that took the longest, and the post with the longest words! This is outstanding, and the only thing I can say about this is it is astonishing! Tremendous job, my friend!
Dream On!
Dream On!
23rd November 2013, 01:39 AM
Nice tutorial and you put a lot of effort into it. It really helped me thanks for the help.