12th November 2015

The School Story Part 2.

Made by Swimmy in Shows

When A New Day Comes, Everything is Better.
586 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
12th November 2015, 06:58 PM

Welcome back to school story!!!

Relanie was having gym class and they were playing dodgeball. Relanie wasn't good that good hitting the ball when someone was passing it to her but she still is really good at it.


After she was working on a craft at her class. Until the lunch bell rang. Time for lunch! Relanie started getting her lunch

Find out what happens next in part 3!

Sorry this part was short XD.

Friendship is supposed to be everywhere. Including DSGHQ. We have lots and lots of friendship all over the world. And we also need more friendship in DSGHQ too! Everyone is perfect however they are. Family and Friendship is a beautiful thing. Everyone can work together.

Vampire Knight Is Awesome!
1,334 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th November 2015, 07:48 PM

I like this part! I'm excited to see what will happen in the next part! Great story. By the way, the drawing looks more like volleyball, not dodgeball.

Vampire Knight is amazing!

New User!
34 posts
Seen 12th November 2015
12th November 2015, 08:12 PM

Lovely Picture On The Drawing Thing!I Loved The Story

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