24th January 2016, 10:25 AM
Imperial Knight Application
Hello, I'm Pickle1020, a trusted user, Abushekaus and Tent had inspired me to make this application.
I was a xat mod, auren.js mod and forum mod.
Reasons I want to join
My first reason is that I've been around for quite a long time and it feels like my home and when it gets attacked or hacked, I feel like I should do something to protect it.
My second reason is that I've been training for a long time.
My third reason is that I know my powers and I truly have the responsibility to earn such a job like this.
/arrest (username)
/release (username)
/goto (username)
/summon (username)
Also, the commands for a sword is:
Shift+F - Release sword
F - Swing sword
Move mouse - Move the sword to requested position
Spacebar - Block
If I were to be an Imperial Knight, I would vow to protect OldCP, not abuse my powers and do right for OldCP.
Hope you read and enjoyed my application!
- Pickle1020