705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
22nd November 2013, 08:39 PM
Hello fellow penguins,I have been seeing fake penguins around here when i mean fake i mean they change other penguins name. It happend to me if you have an L your name look out because my name penguin is TheRealDrake and someone else change the lower case L into a upper case i and it look like TheReaIDrake when it was really TheReaiDrake. and its kinda scary because what if they cuss what if they do something bad! moderators will think that is YOU so watch out!
705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
22nd November 2013, 08:46 PM
I also made a topic like this. It needs to stop, People are framing the original person. I think this should a immediate ban.
i know its so annoying
Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016