24th February 2016

Mod App (Snaildom)

Made by Rey Ren in Applications

251 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
24th February 2016, 08:23 PM

Hello fellow DSGHQ community. I would like to apply for Snaildom moderator. I hope you take me under consideration. Thank you.

I have seen more staff could be used for Snaildom so I would love to help out and do the job.

Hello, My name is Brisk. In real life my name is Ava. I first discovered DSGHQ through Snaildom. So this game put me into my happy place. I think mod is good for me because I have many friends that are mods so I have gotten a feel of what it is like. On Snaildom I have noticed much staff is active so I know I am not alone. Thought if I am alone I am prepared.

My timezone is EST.

My experience is limited but I need some place to start! I have been here on the DSGHQ for two years. I have had many accounts. I am a loyal member. I am a DSGHQ banker and DSGHQ xat member. I love to write and my grammar is pretty good I like to think.

I understand this rank becomes with a big responsibility. I will take it very seriously. I am online 2-3 hours on weekdays and 3-6 on weekends. I will always inform other staff if I will be inactive. I have been giving this application much attention. If I do not get the rank I understand.

I was really hoping to be able to hang this up in my room ;)

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application. Give +1 or -1 depending on what you think this application deserves. Should I add anything? Just comment down below! Thank you.

Star Wars For Life

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