27th February 2016

Snail Watch Application

Made by HeyGirl in Applications

Breath in, Breath out.
629 posts
Seen 31st May 2016
27th February 2016, 08:26 AM

Hello! Today I am applying for Snail Watch obviously for snaildom :P

Snaildom username: Heygirl

Age: 10

Experience: I do have experience with moderating, such as cp army moderator, cpps moderator ect.

How active am I: I am pretty active, I am mostly on in the mornings or all day on weekends, and if I am inactive I will pm the swc.

Why I want to join: I want to join because I wanna help out on snaildom, and this is a rank I have admired and got me interested in helping users and moderating. And I believe I can help out with this rank.

What I will bring to the watch: I hope to bring, respect, kindness, sportmanship, and confidence.

What I know about the watch: I know that the watch is a secret commitment and once you are chosen you may never reveal your sucess even if you have been demoted. And leaking your identity will lead to exicution(idk how to spell this word) and demotion.

Why I should be hired: I think that I should be hired because, I am helpful, kind, supportive, mature, and active and attentive

Thank you for your time to read this :)


(if you read this when it wasn't finish I am sorry, I accidently clicked post discussion)

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