27th February 2016

OldCP Mediator App

Made by Bonwe in Applications

343 posts
Seen 8th March 2022
27th February 2016, 08:38 PM

In this discussion you will be reading an application that is meant for OldCPv12. There will be different parts that will be explaining some of my information. I will not be leaking my personal information, just some information that is needed/wanted in the application. I am applying because, I love to help and I think it would be cool to be a Mediator and talk to some users. Yes, I can talk to users now. But I think it give me a whole new reason to interact with users. Before this application starts, I will not get mad if I don't get picked, I understand.
Mediator Oaths:
I will follow the rules!
I will not be unnecessary!
I will treat users with respect!
I will not do favorites!
I will treat all users how they want to be treated!
I will not threaten users!
I will not be unfair with users!
I will ask for proof before taking action!
I will give users a chance to explain there self!
I will not just take proof and take action without there side of the story!
I will be nice, kind, and respectful!
I will be your friend! :)
The Basics:
Username: Bonwe
TimeZone: PST
Desired Rank: Mediator
Age: 12 (Turning 13 in August)
Experience: Trusted, News Reporter(Ash's Forums)

+1 by Sugar

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