27th February 2016

Oldcpv12 Moderator Application- Lylance

Made by lylance in Applications

3,733 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th February 2016, 09:01 PM

Hey guys, it's been a good night already, Oldcp came out and i heard they are accepting mods, so i decided to apply for Mod.

Name on Oldcp: Patrick
Age: Somewhat secret
Timezone: EST

Experience with Moderation: Oldcpv11 as a World Champion and Mod, i moderated Xat many many times, when i was moderator on Oldcp, i was never demoted, i resigned because of secret reasons i would not like to tell at the moment.

Why i want to be Moderator for Oldcp: I want to be Moderator on Oldcp because since it just came out, it might need more moderation then just 3 Administrators, so i want to be able to help out the Admins and help make sure Oldcp is safe as it should be a sit is new and we need to get used to it.

Activity on oldcp: On Oldcpv11 i was on 3-6 hours a day, which is crazy, but on Oldcpv12 i will still be on as much as i can, but i won't always be on Oldcp, but i will make sure it is safe for as long as i can, and if i'm not on and something happens and no other Staff is on, i will try my best to come on as soon as possible.

Am i respectful helpful etc: Yes i am respectful, helpful, etc, sometimes i get out of hand and go all crazy but games are supposed to have fun on it. And even though i am a bit crazy and immature, i am still respectful and helpful and so on.

Cya next time, -Lylance

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th February 2016, 09:23 PM

I think this application was fabulous. :3


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